June 11, 2020
Statement on Anti-Racism from the Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science condemns racism, violence, and injustice against Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC). We stand in solidarity with these communities on campus, in the province, in Canada, and around the world, who have been affected by countless examples of systemic racism in our society.
We recognize that racism and systemic bias in STEM cause pervasive damage for students, faculty and staff. Realizing these past and current failings, we are taking concrete steps to better reflect the diverse communities we serve. This is only the beginning of the individual and collective work we have in front of us.
This statement is one step in the journey we are on, and we know words alone are not enough and actions must follow. Using the Faculty of Science strategic plan and the InspiR3E initiative as our guide, we will continue to pursue both short and long-term strategies to combat racism affecting students, faculty and staff on a daily basis. For example, we deliver “Diversity Dialogue” workshops on unconscious bias, bystander intervention, and on power and privilege. We are also strong champions of the federal Dimensions program, meant to remove barriers for researchers from designated groups (women, racialized minorities, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, and LBGTQ2S+) in Canada. We embrace and commit to implement the principles of this program.
As a community of students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters, we are committed to listening, hearing, and learning from the voices of those who are being systematically excluded and disadvantaged. We will continue to adjust our policies, procedures and individual practices to foster cultural humility.
We can and we must do better, because Black Lives Matter.