Meet the Data Science and Analytics educators from across campus.
Department of Computer Science

Usman Alim
Usman Alim heads the Visualization and Graphics Group (VISAGG) which focuses on addressing a diverse range of fundamental and applied problems in Data Visualization and Computer Graphics. His current interests include multivariate data visualization, large scale data visualization, visualization in immersive environments, and statistical and numerical methods for visualization.

Ken Barker
Ken Barker is currently interested in privacy preserving data repositories. For example: how can a privacy-aware database management system be built, and how can privacy be preserved when data is being mined?

Wayne Eberly
Wayne Eberly develops methods for the design of efficient algorithms, and analyzes the complexity of selected problems.

Frank Maurer
Frank Maurer’s research team investigates processes, methods and tools to develop immersive analytics applications. The group’s work bridges between software engineering, human-computer interaction, big data analytics and immersive technologies (augmented reality, mixed reality, virtual reality).

Faramarz Samavati
Faramarz Samavati's research interests include Computer Graphics, Visualization, 3D Imaging and Geospatial Data Processing and Modeling.

Ehud Sharlin
Ehud Sharlin's interests are human-computer interaction (HCI), tangible user interfaces (TUIs), human-robot Interaction (HRI) and physical interfaces.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker manages the Laboratory for Software Modification Research. The laboratory is interested in the evolutionary nature of software systems: how they are designed, how they are implemented, and how they are changed.

Wesley Willett
Wesley Willett's research interests are information visualization, social computing, new media, and human-computer interaction design.

Nelson Wong
Nelson Wong is interested in human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and information visualization.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Rob Deardon
Rob Deardon has research interests in the areas of Bayesian & computational statistics, infectious disease epidemiology (transmission modelling and disease surveillance methods), spatial & spatio-temporal modelling, experimental design, statistical learning, ecological modelling, clustering & classification, and statistical modelling.

Matthew Greenberg

Joseph Ling
Joseph Ling is involved with the Centre for Computational and Discrete Geometry, which is an academic research centre housed within the Department of Mathematics & Statistics and supported by the Canada Research Chairs Program, Canada Foundation for Innovation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

Xuewen Lu
Xuewen Lu is interested in the topics of non/semi-parametric regression, survival analysis, frailty models & censored data analysis, econometrics, duration models & panel data analysis, predictive microbiology modeling, empirical likelihood, statistical computing, and big data.

Jim Stallard
Jim Stallard is the Associate Head, Statistics and Actuarial Science in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and is involved with research topics in statistics.

Bingrui (Cindy) Sun
Bingrui (Cindy) Sun is an Associate Professor (Teaching) of Statistics and Actuarial Science and her research interests lie in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Jingjing Wu
Jingjing Wu's current research interests are mainly in the area of statistical inferences for semiparametric and nonparametric models and related applications in biostatistics.

Yuriy Zinchenko
Yuriy Zinchenko is interested in operations research, optimization algorithms and software and in particular convex optimization – minimizing or maximizing linear functional over convex subsets of (finite-dimensional real) vector spaces.
Haskayne School of Business

Marco Bijvank
Marco Bijvank is interested in applying techniques from operations research in practical setting such as supply chain management, revenue management and healthcare operations. In particular, he is currently working on decision-making studies with data from inventory control, warehouses, retail pricing and emergency departments.

Duy Dao
Duy Dao is an assistant professor of Business Technology Management (BTM) at the Haskayne School of Business. Duy’s research broadly spans the economics of software and digital goods, with interests in the economics of cybersecurity.

Hooman Hidaji
Hooman Hidaji's research interests include economics of information systems and privacy, online third-parties, and social networks. He uses a wide set of methodologies in his research, including economic modeling, game theory, optimization, econometrics, and data analytics. Using data analytics tools, he has studied improvements in social network propagation, online third-party usage, and fake content prediction.

Ray Patterson
Ray Patterson PhD, MBA, CPA (CGA), Professor and Business Technology Management Area Chair, holds the Haskayne Research Professorship in Business Technology Management. He is interested in applying techniques from management information systems, management science and operations research, service science, and computer science in practical settings such as supply chain management, customer management, platform management, and internet privacy and security. In particular, he is currently working on problems related to privacy, security, and quantitative methods and analytics.

Alireza Sabouri

Sherry Weaver
Cumming School of Medicine

Guanmin Chen
Guanmin Chen's primary research interests are in the areas of health service research, particularly in the area of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and its complications among high risk population.

Karen Kopciuk
Karen Kopciuk's research interests include disease and genetic risk estimation, survival and multivariate data methods, high dimentionsional data, all with applications in cancer.

Joon Lee
Joon Lee is interested in applying data science to a wide range of health fields including intensive care medicine, ageing, and public health surveillance, with a particular focus on the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as unconventional digital health data sources such as social media and mobile devices.

Quan Long
Quan Long's research interests include statistical methodology development for genome wide association studies as well as predictions together with in-between-ome analysis (e.g., epigenome wide association studies, eQTL mapping).

Alberto Nettel-Aguirre
Alberto Nettel-Aguirre's research interest areas are statistical methods in the life sciences, namely correct application of biostatistical methods, social network analysis and statistical learning.

Tyler Williamson
Tyler Williamson's research interests include health data integration (combining electronic medical record and health administrative data), chronic disease surveillance and research using electronic medical record data, and non-canonical link functions for binomial generalized linear models