GLGY 537-545

GLGY 537 and GLGY 545 are an advanced field courses (worth 1 HCE) that take place off-campus for 12–14 days in April/May after the final exam period of the winter semester or in August prior to the start of the fall term. There may only one section offered per year, with the focus alternating between hard rock and soft rock. The field course is lead by one professor, who is assisted by one graduate teaching assistant. There are usually enough spots for 12-15 undergraduate students. Additional faculty and staff may join your class on occasion. You will be working in groups of two to three students depending on the exercise of the day and for safety purposes. The department provides transportation for all field school participants - you are not allowed to use personal transportation.

It is very important that you are on time each day, and that you are rested and prepared for a full day of fieldwork. If you sleep in, you will be left behind. You must bring food each day, as most localities are not near convenience stores or restaurants. It is recommended that you bring extra munchies in case activities run late. Bring appropriate clothing and lots to drink. Field localities and activities may be changed due to circumstances beyond the instructor’s control; dates will not change. All field activities and most assignments are usually completed within the published field school dates.

GLGY 545 is specific to the Grande Cache area and is referred to the petroleum geology field school.

The learning objectives for GLGY 537/545 include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Develop advanced skills in mapping and either field-based petrology (igneous and/or metamorphic) or field-based sedimentology (clastic and/or carbonate)
  • Construct maps, cross sections and measured sections based on detailed field observations
  • Interpolate local, small-scale field observations at several widely separated localities to infer regional tectonic setting, geometric and stratigraphic relationships, origin of rock units and their history of emplacement
  • Integrate observations and interpretations in a concise written report

Click here to view the current "Field Schools Schedule", which will list the proposed schedule for GLGY 537 in the upcoming/current academic year.

GLGY 537 is an optional course commonly taken by students in the geology program. Majors in other programs may be allowed to take GLGY 537 on a case-by-case basis as space permits.


  • GLGY 333 or 311
  • GLGY 38
  • GLGY 435
  • GLGY 445 or 341
  • Consent of the department

An information session will be held in the fall or winter semester, depending on when the field school is scheduled to run. At this meeting, students will meet with the instructor to discuss logistics and costs.

Your instructor should provide you with a specialized list of equipment and supplies. You should also refer to the generalized list provided for our junior geology field school (GLGY 337).

Every student enrolled in GLGY 537 must attend a pre-departure meeting, which is usually scheduled within the two weeks prior to the start of field school. If you do not attend this meeting, you will not be allowed to attend the rest of the field school.

The pre-departure meeting is designed to deliver critical information to students. At this meeting, you will:

  • Meet your instructor and teaching assistant
  • Review general safety issues and the hazards in each field locality
  • Review the emergency response plan
  • Learn about the general course structure and activities planned

On the first day of field school, your instructor will review the itinerary with you and deliver any additional instructions. There will also be time dedicated to paying equipment rental fees. If you are asked to act as a back-up driver, there will be further instructions on driving etiquette and the UCalgary's driver authorization procedure.

Your instructor should provide you with guidance on what you need to do to ensure you are well prepared for GLGY 537 field school. You should also check out the general discussion provided for our junior geology field school (GLGY 337).