The Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Natural Sciences is an innovative, multidisciplinary program where students have the unparalleled opportunity to tailor the focus of their education. The program caters to students who have an intense interest in science and fosters an appreciation for a multidisciplinary approach to science. Students are encouraged to meet with faculty regularly to discuss and plan their education.
As a natural sciences student, you will build a unique program based primarily on your personal interests while concentrating your studies in two areas within the Faculty of Science (biology, chemistry, computer science, energy science, geoscience, mathematics, and physics). By concentrating in two specialties, you will capitalize on the strengths of two departments within the Faculty of Science and will be exposed to a wider range of scientific perspectives.
Our program offers a novel alternative to traditional degree programs. Capstone courses incorporate blended and inquiry-based teaching strategies to enhance student participation and understanding. By capitalizing on the inherent multidisciplinary nature of science, the program promotes scholarship and a deep understanding of scientific principles. Students in the Natural Sciences develop leadership skills and are able to contribute effectively in teams composed of individuals with very different backgrounds and areas of expertise. The Natural Sciences Program is an excellent platform for entrance to any professional program such as law or medicine. Career choices open to holders of a Bachelor of Science in Natural Sciences are huge - limited only by your imagination, interest and ability.
Program learning outcomes
By the end of a natural sciences degree, students will be able to:
- Collaborate with people from different disciplines to enable a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems
- Find, read, and evaluate scientific evidence and use this evidence to support or reject a scientific argument
- Negotiate conflicting sources of evidence and interpretation to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions
- Communicate scientific ideas to a range of audiences in written, oral or graphical formats to create a bridge between scientific research and society
- Apply scientific knowledge and skills to design experiments and draw valid inferences from data analyses
- Develop awareness that science is a human endeavour and is situated in social contexts