Master of Science (MSc)
Program requirements for our master's program can be found in section five of the computational media design calendar. Master's students are required to take a minimum of five courses.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
For more information regarding our doctoral program, please see section five of the computational media design calendar. PhD students are required to take a minimum of eight courses.
Doctoral students must complete a written thesis proposal, a written field of study examination, and an oral examination of the thesis proposal. For complete details of the requirements, see the following document.
For students who entered their doctoral program prior to Jan. 10, 2018, please see the old candidacy regulations here.
This exam will be conducted as specified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A thesis component that describes research conducted and/or body of creative work is required to complete the program. Graduating students will have to demonstrate skills and expertise in computer science, arts and design. Computational media design encourages a wide breadth of research and creative work, thus there is recognition and appreciation of a thesis that represents an interdisciplinary balance between the fields.
Final thesis oral examinations are open examinations.
Scheduling of the examination
The supervisor and co-supervisor must have reviewed the student’s research, including a relevant written sample of the materials related to the thesis, before an examination can be scheduled.
Composition of the examination committee
The internal examiner may be internal to the program. Program membership includes the set of faculty members actively engaged in the program and the supervisor/co-supervisor's academic units (i.e., the Department of Computer Science within the Faculty of Science, Department of Art and School of Creative and Performing Arts within the Faculty of Arts, or School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape). An additional examiner will be from the faculty membership.
This exam will be conducted as specified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. A thesis that describes the research conducted and/or the body of creative work completed is required to complete the doctorate program. The thesis will set the research/work in its literary and new media context and present evidence that the work is worthy of either publication or external recognition. Graduating students will have to have demonstrated skills and expertise in Computer Science and Arts and Design. Computational Media Design encourages research and creative work that incorporates aspects of both Computer Science and Arts and Design, thus there is recognition for and appreciation of a thesis that represents an interdisciplinary balance between the fields.
Final thesis oral examinations are open examinations.
Scheduling of the examination
All members of the supervisory committee must have reviewed the student’s research, including a relevant written sample of the materials related to the thesis, before an examination can be scheduled.
Composition of the examination committee
The internal examiner may be internal to the program. Program membership includes the set of faculty members actively engaged in the program and the supervisor/co-supervisor's academic units (including the Department of Computer Science within the Faculty of Science, Department of Art and School of Creative and Performing Arts within the Faculty of Arts, or School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape).
The student's external examiner will be an international expert in the research/creative practice area of the student's research. The Faculty of Graduate Studies conflict of interest policy applies.
For a comprehensive overview of our programs and degree requirements, please visit our program calendar