Location and mailing address
Undergraduate Science Centre
Science B 149
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4
For General (non-student advising) inquiries contact: ensc@ucalgary.ca
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm
Contact Information for Undergraduate Students
For any undergraduate student academic advising please visit the Undergraduate Science Centre or use the following contact information:
- Science program advising: science.advising@ucalgary.ca
- Science Careers and Co-op/Internship: science.careers@ucalgary.ca
- Science Engagement Programs: science.engagement@ucalgary.ca
Virtual front desk at 403 220 8600
For academic advice, please contact or visit the Undergraduate Science Centre
Program Director

Jurgen Gailer
Associate Professor, Chemistry
(403) 210-8899
gailer@ucalgary.ca -
Wil Holden
Associate Professor, Geography
(403) 220-4886
wnholden@ucalgary.ca -
Eve Robinson
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
eve.robinson@ucalgary.ca -
Dan Shugar
Associate Professor, Geoscience
(403) 220-5028