We designed an applied approach to disciplinary based study of the environment. One unique feature is the inclusion of a pre-environmental disturbance field course in the third year of the program. This is followed by a post-disturbance field course in fourth year that leads into a multidisciplinary team project.
Two formats can be found at other Canadian universities:
A specialized science degree with no aspects of professional practice included
A general degree that presents a very broad survey of many of the science and social science disciplines that contribute to environmental studies
In designing our program, we consulted with environmental professionals who emphasized core discipline and communication skills.
Our program is designed to help you develop a number of different skills.
You will have a strong background in your discipline of specialization. This is highly valued in the industry. We will also provide you with opportunities to develop your communication skills, multidisciplinary team-work skills and practical problem solving skills. We believe that this preparation will give you a competitive edge in today's marketplace.