Environmental Science Field Course I
Course dates and duration:
This field course takes place ten full days before the start of regular fall lectures. Lectures and assignments are required throughout the fall term.
Course description:
This course provides field experience in the major disciplines in environmental science, data handling and analysis skills, and written and oral communication skills.
The first half of this field course is held on the main university campus The second half is held at the Barrier Lake Field Station in Kananaskis (four nights). Fall lectures occur on main campus.
Course structure:
The first half of the field course involves introductory lectures and lab work at the University of Calgary. The second half is based in Kananaskis. During fall term, data is analyzed and presented in several assignments, and then integrated into a major report. Assignments include a mixture of individual and group reports.
Logistical details:
Waiver forms for field work are required and will be provided on the first day of class. Room and board is provided at the Barrier Lake Field Station (dietary needs are accommodated), but students must bring their own bedding. Detailed information about scheduling and logistics will be available on the course's D2L website.
This course is restricted to ENSC students. The course prerequisite includes BIOL 315, GEOG 339 or STAT 327 or an equivalent statistics course. Two biology courses are recommended prior to taking this course.
Upcoming course dates, supplies lists and more:
Visit our field schools page.