- An outdoor observation terrace where telescopes are used for undergraduate astronomy teaching and public outreach events. Telescopes include several 8-inch telescopes and a 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. The 14-inch telescope is used with a computerized mount. Associated instrumentation includes self-guiding CCD cameras, white-light and H-alpha solar filters, and a spectrograph.
- A 2,000 square foot multipurpose interpretative centre. It is a state-of-the-art workspace that serves as a lecture theatre and classroom. It is air conditioned and can comfortably accommodate 100 people. It is equipped with educational displays, four general purpose computers, one 40-inch touch screen computer, a 12-foot screen and data projector for presentations, video conferencing equipment and full internet capabilities.
- Classroom, laboratories, workshop, kitchen, shower and sleeping facilities.
- Two microwave links to the internet; one line-of-sight link to the Earth Sciences building on campus and one provided by the Government of Alberta's Supernet program.
- A terminal room with a number of Linux-based computers.

0.4 metre Clarke-Milone telescope

0.5 metre Baker-Nunn telescope

1.8 metre Sandy Cross telescope

3.3 metre radio telescope