Quantifying and Monitoring Darkness over the RAO
By: Phil Langill and Benjamin George
University of Calgary, Rothney Astrophysical Observatory
Over the last decade the City of Calgary has grown towards the RAO, resulting in increases of light pollution effecting the dark skies required for astronomical research. By monitoring the darkness of the skies over the observatory we can look at mitigating bylaws to protect our skies.

Worldwide Variations in Artificial Skyglow
Christopher C. M. Kyba1,2,3, Kai Pong Tong4, Jonathan Bennie5, Ignacio Birriel6, Jennifer J. Birriel6,
Andrew Cool7, Arne Danielsen8, Thomas W. Davies5, Peter N. den Outer9, William Edwards8,
Rainer Ehlert8, Fabio Falchi10, Ju¨rgen Fischer2, Andrea Giacomelli11, Francesco Giubbilini11,
Marty Haaima9, Claudia Hesse11, Georg Heygster4, Franz Ho¨lker1, Richard Inger5, Linsey J. Jensen13,14,
Helga U. Kuechly1*, John Kuehn8, Phil Langill15, Dorien E. Lolkema9, Matthew Nagy16, Miguel Nievas17,
Nobuaki Ochi18, Emil Popow19, Thomas Posch20, Johannes Puschnig20{, Thomas Ruhtz2, Wim Schmidt21,
Robert Schwarz19, Axel Schwope19, Henk Spoelstra22, Anthony Tekatch23, Mark Trueblood24,
Constance E. Walker13, Michael Weber19, Douglas L. Welch25, Jaime Zamorano17 & Kevin J. Gaston5

Artificial Light At Night Conference 2020
The ALAN conference series is dedicated to examining all aspects of artificial light at night. The broad scope of the conference includes how light is produced (e.g. technologies, industry, and lighting design), where it is present (e.g. remote sensing); what effects it has on humans and the environment (e.g. ecology); how it is perceived by the public (e.g. perceptions of safety and security), and how the benefits and detriments of lighting may be balanced by regulation.

New Zealand Starlight Conference
The main theme of the conference was to develop the concept of New Zealand as the World’s First Dark Sky Nation. We did this by bringing together most of the numerous groups in Aotearoa who already have dark sky accreditation from the International Dark Sky Association, or who aspire to do so in the near future. The conference helped promote New Zealand as a world leader for dark skies protection and astro-tourism. It also highlighted the health and environmental impacts of artificial light at night (ALAN) by engaging with world experts who made presentations at the Starlight Conference.