Real Academia De Ciencies I Arts De Barcelona - FABRA Observatory
The Rothney Astrophysical Observatory will soon turn 50 years old and aspires to become as distinguished and productive as the famous Fabra Observatory in Barcelona, Spain. Click on the following link to learn about the scientific contributions of this 100 year old historic facility.

Telescopi Fabra-ROA al Montsec TFRM
The Telescope Fabra-ROA located atop Montsec mountain in Spain (TRFM) is a modernized Baker-Nunn Camera (BNC). This renewal project was made possible by the Reial Academia de Ciencies I Arts de Barcelona (RACAB) - Fabra Observatori, the Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada (ROA), and the Department d’Astronomia I Meteorologia of the University de Barcelona. The Baker-Nunn telescope at the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory (RAO-BN) is the twin of the TRFM, and we work together in implementing them robotically to collect scientific data.

Skynet Robotic Telescope Network
The Skynet Robotic Telescope Network operates out of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and creates an international network of robotic telescope. The RAO Baker-Nunn telescope is proudly apart of this network. Click the following link to learn more about Skynet.