Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation Area
The Ann & Sandy Cross Conservation Area (ASCCA) consists of 4,800 acres of rolling foothills land. It was donated by Ann and Sandy Cross for the protection of wildlife habitat and conservation education. Together we work on promoting the "Dark Sky" initiative, which aims on reducing artificial light in the surrounding area. Man made light has adverse effects on nocturnal wildlife as well as hinders the ability to observe space.
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)
The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) is a national, non-profit, charitable organization devoted to the advancement of astronomy and related sciences. At present, there are 28 local branches of the Society, called Centres, in towns and cities across the country from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Victoria, British Columbia, and as far north as Whitehorse, Yukon. There are about 5100 members from coast to coast to coast, and internationally.
The RASC is extremely involved with the RAO's public outreach, such as open houses and Milky Way Nights. It is common to many RASC members with their telescopes giving star tours and presentations at the RAO.