The second planet from the sun, Venus is almost as large as the earth. Venus rotates on its axis clockwise. This is called a retrograde rotation. This spin is slow and takes 112 earth days to complete one rotation. Venus's orbital period is 225 earth days. The atmosphere of Venus is comprised of carbon dioxide gas, nitrogen and of water vapor. The thick clouds above the surface of Venus are composed of sulphuric acid. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with a surface temperature that can reach 471 degrees. Venus consists of flat plains broken up by thousands of volcanos. Some of the volcanos are still active and spew lava.
The woman who married morning star
According to the Siksika tradition, it was in the summer when two girls went outside of their lodge to sleep. The girls awoke before morning, and one of them said that she wished to marry the morning star. Not long after, the same two girls were out gathering wood. They were about to start home with their bundles of wood when one of the ropes broke. As one of the girl’s was fixing it, a young man approached her. He said he was the morning star. He took her to his home with Natosi and Kokomi-kisomm. After some time, she gave birth to a child. To pass the time, she would go out every day to dig roots and turnips. She could go anywhere in the sky, but her husband would not allow her to dig up a certain large turnip. But one day, the temptation was too great. She could not resist digging up the turnip to see what was underneath. Looking through a hole in the sky, she saw all her family down upon the earth. She started to cry. At last Ipiso-waahsa, the morning star, cut a long rope of buffalo rawhide and lowered her back to earth with her child. Before she left, he gave her a ceremonial headdress and an elk tooth dress and the ceremony of ookaan. Her people were to use this ceremony every year to call on Natosi, the sun, to ask for his pity and help.