
Public Event Weather

Weather Cam

Live weather cam

Click on the image to view in your browser.  The image will not refresh automatically, so manually refresh your browser's page to update the image.  The image is updated approximately every minute.

This camera takes photos of the horizon facing northwest from the RAO. When the sun is setting far to the north, sometimes the direct sunlight can saturate the image. The camera is not sensitive enough to detect stars at night, so nighttime images will be dark. The shed featured in the image (endearingly called "The Cube") houses the RAO Outreach Telescope. To utilize this 14" telescope, the big front door is rolled up and the Cube is pushed back along rails. The Interpretive Center, and the Clark-Milone Telescope are also visible in the image.

Because RAO telescopes are controllable from off-site over the internet, we need to know the current weather conditions at the observatory. The weather cam was set up to monitor these conditions, and the images have been made publicly available. 

If you like watching time-lapse video, try out this fun tool, which shows the sequence of images from today (sunrise to sunset);

NOTE: The date and time stamps on the weather cam images are in UTC (not local MST/MDT).


The Weather Network

Observatory Weather Forecast (Priddis)

Follow the link to view the weather forecast for the town of Priddis, AB. This is the closest town to the observatory and should give an accurate forecast.