Frequently asked questions

I need to register/make changes to my courses

Step-by-step guides are available through Enrolment Services – primarily setup for undergraduates.

View instructions

I need to update my personal information

Need to change/update your address, phone number, etc. This webpage will show you how to do it.

View instructions

Where do I go to determine what I’ve paid and what I may still owe the school?

Your account should be in good standing and not owe any fees. Learn how to view your account balance and determine if you owe anything. You will also see a breakdown of charges by item and term.

Learn here

I need to set-up a payment plan

The Graduate Student Payment Plan is an option available to students enrolled in a graduate studies program who wish to defer their fees over a specified period of time. Please fill out the application form and submit to the Graduate Science Centre (email:

More information

I need a transcript

Do you need an official transcript to apply for grad school, a scholarship, a job, other? You can order one through your Student Centre. Note: an official transcript is not required when apply to a UCalgary grad program. Also many scholarship applications do not require official transcripts.

Go here to order a transcript

I need an enrolment verification letter

You may need to provide evidence of your enrolment to a group or organization. You can print yourself an enrolment verification letter through your Student Centre. If you need a letter detailing your earnings, you can request one by emailing the Graduate Science Centre at

Learn here

I’m applying to extend my Study Permit, for Permanent Residency, etc.

International students require letters from employers outlining their current status and earnings. If you need one of these types of letters, please contact the Graduate Science Centre at

How do I complete my annual progress report

All thesis-based graduate students registered during the winter term are required to submit the online progress report annually to comment on achievements during the past twelve months such as courses completed, grades received, scholarships, research progress, papers submitted, conferences, etc. Academic plans for the upcoming year must also be identified. Learn more here.

See guidelines

I need to request an extension to Program or Candidacy Requirements

If you need to request an extension to the length of maximum time for your program (beyond four years for MSc and six years for PhD), you will need to complete an extension form, sign, have your supervisor complete their section and sign, then submit to the Graduate Science Centre (email: . It will then go to the Graduate Director for approval and be sent to Grad Studies for a decision. PHD STUDENTS: If you need to request an extension on the deadline for your candidacy examination, the same form is used.

View form

I need to request a Leave of Absense

Leaves are only granted for specific reasons such as: bereavement, maternity, medical parental. To apply for a leave, fill out the leave form, sign, have your supervisor sign, then submit to the Graduate Science Centre (email: It will need the Graduate Director’s approval and then will be sent to Grad Studies for final approval.

See more details

I am almost ready for my Oral Defense or Candidacy Exam and I want to know how to proceed

You should familiarize yourself with the steps required to set-up an examination.

View step-by-step instructions

I want to transfer from M.Sc. to Ph.D.

Please view the department regulations for transferring to PhD without completing the M.Sc. program.

View regulations

I need to submit a new or revised Dept. Doctor of Philosophy Course Approval Form

I you need to make changes or submit your Doctor of Philosophy Course Approval Form please download the course approval form.

Download form

I need to borrow a laptop, projector. I need to book a meeting room.

Grad Students can borrow laptops and projectors for presentations and other events. You can also booking a meeting room for discussions, planning, studying, etc. We have a few different sizes and styles to suit your needs. Advanced notice may be required. Reservations are recommended.  Contact the department at