Summer 2024 Courses

Department of Biological Sciences

Course Details

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BCEM 507.01 - Directed Research in Biochemistry I
BCEM 507.02 - Directed Research in Biochemistry II
BCEM 528B - Research Project in Biochemistry
BCEM 530B - Honours Research Project in Biochemistry
BCEM 641.1 - Independent Study (Biochemistry)


BIOL 243 - DNA, Inheritance and Evolution     
BIOL 305 - The Human Organism    
BIOL 331 - Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology 
BIOL 371 - Comparative Biology of Plants and Animals    
BIOL 507.01 - Directed Research in Biological Sciences I    
BIOL 507.02 - Directed Research in Biological Sciences II    
BIOL 528B - Research Project in Biological Sciences    
BIOL 530B - Honours Research Project in Biological Sciences    
BIOL 607.2 - Independent Study (Cell Biology)    
BIOL 607.3 - Independent Study (Developmental Biology) 

Cellular, molecular, and microbial biology

CMMB 507.01 - Directed Research in Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology I    
CMMB 507.02 - Directed Research in Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology II    
CMMB 528B - Research Project in Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology    
CMMB 530B - Honours Research Project in Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology


ECOL 413 - Field Course in Ecology
ECOL 507.01 - Directed Research in Ecology I 
ECOL 507.02 - Directed Research in Ecology II
ECOL 528B - Research Project in Ecology
ECOL 530B - Honours Research Project in Ecology

Marine Science

MRSC 500 - Directed Studies    
MRSC 501.51 - Special Topics in Marine Biology (Terrestrial & Freshwater Cons)
MRSC 501.52 - Special Topics in Marine Biology (Biological Oceanography)    
MRSC 501.60 - Special Topics in Marine Biology (Coastal Biodiv/Conserva)    
MRSC 507 - Directed Studies
MRSC 572 - Marine Invertebrate Zoology

Plant Biology

PLBI 507.01 - Directed Research in Plant Biology I    
PLBI 507.02 - Directed Research in Plant Biology II    
PLBI 528B - Research Project in Plant Biology    
PLBI 530B - Honours Research Project in Plant Biology


ZOOL 507.01 - Directed Research in Zoology I
ZOOL 507.02 - Directed Research in Zoology II
ZOOL 528B - Research Project in Zoology
ZOOL 530B - Honours Research Project in Zoology