A student studies samples in a lab.

Explore Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Biological Sciences offers five unique undergraduate programs.


Explores the chemistry of living organisms and the molecular basis for the changes occurring in living cells. Students obtain the education necessary to unravel the complex chemical reactions that occur in various life forms.

Poppy research.

Biological sciences

The programs in biological sciences allow students to develop an overview of several aspects of life. These programs permit students to tailor their program to aspects of the biological sciences that are not served by the other programs offered by the department. Find out about detailed descriptions of each of these programs.

Lady bug - Dr. Jackson

Cellular, molecular, and microbial biology

CMMB provides students with a strong foundation in contemporary microbiology and cell biology, with particular emphasis on molecular mechanisms that regulate cell function.

A virus.

Plant biology

Offers students a wide variety of plant biology courses, including courses in plant relationships (systematics), structure (morphology), function (physiology) and development, and in the emerging area of plant biotechnology and molecular biology. Students complete this program with a broad appreciation of plant biology.

Flowers in bloom.


Introduces students to structure (morphology), function (physiology) and relatedness (systematics) among different groups of animals. Advanced courses provide a broad perspective on comparative and integrative animal biology.

Butterfly perched on a flower.