Fall 2024 Courses
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Course Details
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ASTR 207 - Introduction to Astronomy I - The Solar System
ASPH 305 - Introduction to Astrophysics
ASPH 401 - Galactic Astrophysics
PHYS 211 - Mechanics
PHYS 221 - Mechanics
PHYS 227 - Classical Physics
PHYS 303 - Quantum Mysteries and Paradoxes
PHYS 323 - Optics and Electromagnetism
PHYS 341 - Classical Mechanics I
PHYS 365 - Acoustics, Optics and Modern Physics (for students in Engineering)
PHYS 369 - Acoustics, Optics and Radiation (for students in Engineering)
PHYS 371 - Introduction to Energy
PHYS 375 - Introduction to Optics and Waves
PHYS 397 - Applied Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 435 - Mathematical Methods in Physics
PHYS 449 - Statistical Mechanics I
PHYS 455 - Electromagnetic Theory II
PHYS 481 - Computational Physics II
PHYS 507 - Solid State Physics
PHYS 543 - Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 597 - Senior Physics Laboratory
PHYS 598A - Honours Research Thesis
PHYS 599.1 - Senior Research Thesis (Experimental Project I)