Paul Barclay
Nanophotonics, quantum optics, nonlinear optics, optomechanics, environmental sensing, atomic physics
Shabir Barzanjeh
Quantum coherence and quantum interface in the electro-and optomechanical systems, superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics (CQED), quantum sensing and imaging
Christopher Cully
Wave-particle interactions, space plasma electric field instruments, kinetic plasma solutions, ion outflow
Jörn Davidsen
Geocomplexity, statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, pattern formation
Eric Donovan
Mass and energy transport in the near earth plasma environment
David Feder
Quantum information, ultracold atomic gases, condensed matter, atomic physics, optical physics
Timothy Friesen
Fundamental symmetries, antimatter, spectroscopy, particle trapping
Claudia Gomes da Rocha
Complexity science, statistical physics, computational physics
Brian Jackel
Optical measurements of the aurora, remote sensing, coordinated studies, signal processing
David Knudsen
Space plasma physics and instrumentation, physics of the aurora
Denis Leahy
X-Ray astronomy, supernova remnants, high energy astrophysics, pulsars, physics of compact objects
Nasser Moazzen-Ahmadi
Molecular clusters and complexes, condensation pathways, IVR mediated torsion, transient species of atmospheric and astrophysical interest, molecule cooling
Daniel Oblak
Quantum information science, quantum cryptography, long-distance quantum communication, quantum memory
Javier Orlandi
Statistical physics, computational and systems neuroscience, complexity science
Rene Plume
Infrared and submillimeter wave radio astronomy, physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium, star formation
Barry Sanders
Quantum information, cryptography, computing, optics, waveguides and antennas
Aninda Sinha
String theory, black holes, applications of guage gravity duality, conformal field theory
Urbasi Sinha
Experimental quantum information and quantum computing, experimental quantum cryptography, quantum entanglement studies, quantum key distribution using satellites, single photon sources, entangled photon sources based on polarization
Emma Spanswick
Dynamics of the near-Earth space environment, ground-based remote sensing and instrumentation development, satellite auroral imager design and development
Sean Stotyn
Theoretical physics, special and general relativity, space, gravitational physics, string theory, black holes
Matt Taylor
Extragalactic globular cluster systems, compact stellar systems, dwarf galaxies, galaxy clusters
Robert Thompson
Low density gas phase systems, ion trapping, anti-matter and cold atom physics
Michael Wieser
Meteorites and solar system evolution, high accuracy isotope abundancy and mass measurements
Andrew Yau
Aeronomy and plasma composition, satellite-borne plasma instrumentation and mass spectrometry