For Supervisors
Thesis or Candidacy Oral Exam Request
Please use the form to request scheduling of a candidacy or thesis oral exam for a graduate student you are supervising. Please note this is a two-part form.
Part 1: Request for the Graduate Science Centre to Schedule an Oral Exam - Examination Committee
Please complete Part 1 to submit the examining committee information.
Part 2: Request for the Graduate Science Centre to Schedule an Oral Exam - Scheduling Details
Please complete Part 2 to submit the oral exam scheduling details.
After the admission and before the program starts, every graduate student should make a plan for their course selection. The selection should be discussed between the students and their supervisors. Once the decision is made:
1. students are responsible to fill out the Course Approval Form (below);
2. the supervisors must sign the form;
3. students upload the form to the D2L Dropbox;
4. the GPD will review the form from the Dropbox, sign it, and forward it to the GPA for record keeping.
For grad students in PHAS (excluding students with Radiation Oncology Physics specialization): this is the form
For graduate students with ROP specialization, this is the form
Every in-program graduate student must re-register on an annual basis using the online student centre. Failure to do so will result an automatic resignation from the program.
Students are reminded that the Faculty of Graduate Studies policies and procedures take precedence in the case of registration. Please refer to the policies and procedures section for information regarding annual registration.
Thesis-based students are also required to submit an annual progress report at this time.
Contact the Department of Physics and Astronomy if you are unable to complete your registration before the fee deadline date.
Program transfers must take place before a student’s third annual registration. Students should consult their supervisor and the graduate program director. Course credit is given at the discretion of the program. Transfers are only effective at the beginning of semesters.
It is the student’s responsibility to check the fee implications of the transfer.
Please complete the following (at least one month prior to the intended transfer):
- Research proposal
- Supervisory committee meeting (specifically discuss if your committee agrees with the transfer)
- A letter of support from your supervisor
- Complete a change of program or status form
Send all related documents to the graduate program coordinator. The Graduate Affairs Committee will review your request. If approved, the documents will go to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for final approval.
A new candidacy examination document launched on Aug. 27, 2018. All students entering their program following this date must adhere to the new rules and regulations. This document outlines rules for both the pre-candidacy meeting and the candidacy exam.
Students who entered their program prior to Aug. 27, 2018, can choose to follow the new procedures or the previous pre-candidacy meeting procedures.
A new candidacy examination document launched on Aug. 27, 2018. All students entering their program following this date must adhere to the new rules and regulations. This document outlines rules for both the pre-candidacy meeting and the candidacy exam.
Students who entered their program prior to Aug. 27, 2018, can choose to follow the new procedures or the previous candidacy exam procedures.
For information on how to submit your thesis, please see the corresponding information above or visit the Faculty of Graduate Studies site.