Winter 2025 Courses
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Course Details
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ASTR 209 - Introduction to Astronomy II - The Cosmos
ASPH 307 - Introduction to Observational Astrophysics
ASPH 403 - Stellar Structure and Evolution
ASPH 503 - The Interstellar Medium
Medical Physics
MDPH 625 - Radiation Oncology Physics
MDPH 632 - Clinical Rotation in Radiation Oncology Physics
MDPH 633 - Radiation Oncology Physics Lab
MDPH 638 - Imaging for Radiation Oncology Physics
MDPH 711B - Clinical Competency I
MDPH 712B - Clinical Competency II
MDPH 721B - Clinical Projects I
MDPH 722B - Clinical Projects II
MDPH 731B - Radiation Oncology Physics Tutorials
MDPH 741B - Treatment Planning
PHYS 106 - Module M6 Thermal Physics
PHYS 223 - Introductory Electromagnetism, and Thermal Physics
PHYS 229 - Modern Physics
PHYS 259 - Electricity and Magnetism (for students in Engineering)
PHYS 271 - How Things Work
PHYS 321 - Harmonic Motion, Waves, and Rotation
PHYS 343 - Classical Mechanics II
PHYS 355 - Electromagnetic Theory I
PHYS 381 - Computational Physics I
PHYS 443 - Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 451 - Statistical Mechanics II
PHYS 457 - Electromagnetic Theory III
PHYS 497 - Applied Physics Laboratory II
PHYS 501 - Relativity
PHYS 521 - Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos
PHYS 581 - Computational Physics III
PHYS 598B - Honours Research Thesis
PHYS 613 - Electrodynamics
PHYS 673 - Quantum Optics
PHYS 691.12 - SEM 1 - Graduate Seminar
PHYS 691.12 - SEM 2 - Graduate Seminar