CHEM 601 (fall) and CHEM 603 (winter) are mandatory chemistry research seminars. They are meant to be taken continuously throughout graduate school. Every student enrolled in a graduate program is required to give two (master's) or three (doctoral) presentations.
These seminars provide a forum for discussion and constructive criticism regarding recent advances in chemical research. The seminars offer opportunities for instruction in areas and topics not covered in regular course work. They also provide graduate students the opportunity to develop techniques of oral presentation, lecturing and defence of argument.
The seminars are categorized into organic, inorganic, physical, theoretical and analytical/environmental. Each group has a faculty member as coordinator.
There are two categories of seminars – group and departmental. Master's students give one group seminar and one final presentation on their research. Doctorate students give two group seminars and one final departmental on their research. A seminar is not required in the first year for either program.
Each speaker will be critiqued by the audience and the evaluation submitted to the section coordinator immediately after the talk.
In addition, this course includes departmental seminars given by visiting speakers and scholars. Please note that attendance is mandatory for departmental seminars and these are usually hosted every second Friday.
Sections and coordinators
- Physical
- Theoretical
- Analytical and environmental
- Inorganic
- Organc
NOTE: Contact the 601/603 Coordinator, Associate Head (Graduate) Dr. Michelle Dolgos for more information
- Grading rubric
- Topic selection form
- View CHEM 601 and CHEM 603 in the UCalgary Calendar
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