All chemistry students should review the Department of Biological Sciences's online resources.
Scientists develop and build on knowledge acquired by others. They make careful observations and collect accurate data during their experiments, work with others and discuss their results, and then publish a scientific report based on their new discoveries in that field. They are expected to present their original work, and properly cite the work of others. This is the basis for academic integrity and honesty.
Student Success Centre provides different resources to help our students, including writing support and writing workshops.
When writing an class exam, test, or quiz, the students are required to follow the policies and procedures indicated in the examination policy described in the course outline, and/or set by the instructor. Failure to follow examination policies is considered cheating.
Make sure your own work written in your own words and has not been previously presented in any other course. If you get ideas from other resources, acknowledge the original source by providing proper citation.
Failure to present original course work is considered plagiarism. There are other forms of academic misconducts, such as fabrications or falsification of laboratory reports, or consciously helping another student to commit an academic offence that you need to make yourself familiar with as well.
If you are expected to work on a team project, or with a lab partner, part of your grade may be assigned to your team work, and another part to your independent report/activities (such as data analysis and data interpretation). To avoid any confusion, make sure that you ask your instructor to clarify what is expected.