Completing the Course Component of Your Degree
Read the Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook (Section 3.3) and visit the University Calendar for details on academic regulations and requirements.
Number of Courses
Courses at the University of Calgary are measured in Half-Course Equivalents (HCE). 1 HCE is approximately the same as a one-semester 3-credit course at most post-secondary institutions.
In addition to completing CHEM 601 & 603:
- Students in a MSc program in Chemistry will typically take 3 HCE during their program.
- Students entering a PhD program with a BSc or equivalent will typically take 4 HCE.
- Students entering a PhD program with an MSc degree or equivalent will take a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 HCE during their program.
- The number of courses required will be determined by the student’s background and in consultation between the student and graduate coordinator.
Types of Courses
Normally at least 3 HCE should be Chemistry courses (offered by the Chemistry Department). You may also take graduate level courses outside of the department, subject to approval from your supervisor, the instructor of record, and the Associate Heads Graduate Studies from both Chemistry and the department offering the course.
Normally courses numbered 600 and above are allowable for graduate program credit. You may take one 500 level with the consent of your supervisor, the Associate Head – Graduate, and the instructor of record of the course.
CHEM 701: Independent Study may be taken up to two times for credit. Your supervisor is most often the instructor of record for the course and s/he must notify this office by no later than the first week in term as we require time for processing before the course is available for registration.
Grade Requirements
In graduate studies at the University of Calgary, a grade of B- is considered the minimum passing grade. Receiving any course grade of C+ or lower will require you to withdraw from the program.
Course Listings
List of chemistry courses