Everyone was invited to the Computer Science Showcase 2019 event! Our visitors saw many exciting projects created by undergraduate and graduate Computer Science and Computational Media Design students. The Showcase was structured like a science fair, where visitors and guests could freely visit all of the booths to see what our community can create!
Showcase Details
Date: Monday, April 15, 2019
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Place: MacHall A/B (across from Jugo Juice)
Projects from a wide variety of areas were showcased:
- haptics
- virtual and augmented reality
- artificial intelligence and data mining
- human-computer interaction
- games
- internet of things
- data analytics
- graphics
- hardware and maker spaces
- and so on...
See extra details about the 2019 event (including video highlights).
Thank you to all the students and volunteers who participated in this event. We hope to see you all next year! If you have any questions please contact Tony Tang at tonyt@ucalgary.ca
The Computer Science Showcase is an event where Computer Science undergraduate and graduate students, as well as CMD students and department research labs can show off the projects that they have worked on. It is structured like a science fair, where visitors and guests can freely visit all of the booths to see what our community can create!
Showcase Details
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Time: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Place: MacEwan Ballroom, 3rd Floor, MacEwan Student Centre
Some of the projects included:
- Robot Improv Puppet Theatre: A robot arm that uses crowd-sourced audience input to perform an improv scene with a human performer.
- Dessert Desperado: A racing game where you try to escape to the Mexican border while evading police cars and obstacles.
- Haptic Rendering of Fluids: Rendering haptic feedback for real-time fluid simulations with Nvidia FleX.
- DUO Collegare: DUO Collegare provides a platform to connect organizations and volunteers to inspire action, rather than just dialogue. We bring together people from diverse backgrounds to work towards a common goal: social good.
- Haptic Team Racing: A two-player, cooperative race-against-the-clock game controlled with two Novint Falcon haptic devices. Work together to avoid obstacles and reach the finish line before time is up!
See photos and video from the 2018 event.
Undergraduate and graduate students regularly do projects through the year (many times not even in class!) that are amazing and worth showing off.
Showcase Details
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017
Time: 1:30pm - 4pm
Where: Taylor Institute Studios D&E
Over 50 projects with 75+ students
There were a number of projects for the showcase, including projects from:
- CPSC 481 (Human-Computer Interaction I)
- CPSC 565 (Emergent Computing)
- CPSC 583 (Information Visualization)
- CPSC 585 (Games Programming)
- CPSC 599 (Advanced iOS Programming)
- CPSC 607 (Biological Computation)
Showcase Details
Date: Friday, April 15, 2016
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Where: TBA
Over 20+ projects with 30+ students
Projects for the showcase included projects from:
- CPSC 359 (Computing Machinery II)
- CPSC 413 (Design & Analysis of Algorithms I)
- CPSC 481 (Human-Computer Interaction I)
- CPSC 502 (Honours Research Projects)
- CPSC 583 (Information Visualization)
- CPSC 585 (Games Programming)