Please use this searchable database which, when searched, lists current Computer Science awards
Departmental Awards such as the Entrance Research Award and International Recruitment Award will be considered automatically with your application for admission.
Current Computer Science Graduate Students will be notified for Departmental Research Awards while there is funding available.
A nomination letter from the supervisor and the Application form (first bullet below) is required to be considered for Departmental Research Award. While supervisors can nominate multiple students, it is expected that only students with strong research record or research potential will be nominated. Basis for the selection process will be academic and research excellence.
Also view:
Lockhart Family Graduate Scholarship In Computer Science
Open to students registered full-time in a graduate program in the Department of Computer Science. Award Value: $2,000. Number of Awards: 1
Computer Science Alumni Chapter Graduate Scholarship
Open to students registered full-time in a graduate program in the Department of Computer Science who are conducting research relevant to the World Wide Web. Award Value: $3,000. Number of Awards: 1
For a listing of all awards, scholarships and bursaries, search the Graduate Awards Database