Alfadel, Mahmoud | Assistant Professor |
Alim, Usman | Associate Professor; Director, Data Science Program |
Asare, Andy | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Aycock, John | Professor |
Barai, Joyeeta | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Barker, Ken | Professor |
Bonnell, Tyler | Assistant Professor |
Boyd, Jeffrey | Associate Professor; Director, Computation Media Design (CMD) Program |
Cheatham, MIchelle | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Cockett, Robin | Professor |
Costa Sousa, Mario | Professor |
Denzinger, Jorg | Associate Professor |
Eberly, Wayne | Professor; Assistant Head (Academic Integrity) |
Elhajj, Reda | Professor |
Elsayed, Sara | Assistant Professor |
Federl, Pavol | Assistant Professor (Teaching); Associate Head (Undergraduate) |
Fong, Philip | Professor; Assistant Head (Prospective Graduate Students) |
Gavrilova, Marina | Acting Associate Dean (Research); Professor; Associate Head (Research and Strategic Planning) |
Ghaderi, Majid | Professor |
He, Helen | Assistant Professor |
Henry, Ryan | Assistant Professor; Director, Information Security Program |
Hoyer, Peter | Associate Professor |
Hudson, Jonathan | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Jacob, Christian | Professor |
Jacobson, Michael John | Professor; Department Co-Head |
Kaplan, Jed | Professor |
Kawash, Jalal | Professor (Teaching) |
Leahy, Janet | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Maleki, Farhad | Assistant Professor |
Manzara, Leonard | Associate Professor (Teaching) |
Maurer, Frank | Professor |
Nittala, Aditya Shekhar | Assistant Professor |
Oehlberg, Lora | Associate Professor |
Ovens, Katie | Assistant Professor |
Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw | Faculty Professor |
Reardon, Joel | Associate Professor |
Rokne, Jon George | Professor |
Runions, Adam | Assistant Professor |
Safavi-Naini, Rei | Professor |
Samavati, Faramarz | Professor |
Scheidler, Renate | Professor |
Sharlin, Ehud | Professor |
Stephenson, Benjamin | Professor (Teaching) |
Sutcliffe, Steve | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Suzuki, Ryo | Assistant Professor |
Tam, James | Associate Professor (Teaching) |
Towlson, Emma | Assistant Professor |
Verwaal, Nathaly | Associate Professor (Teaching); Department Co-Head |
Walker, Robert | Professor; Assistant Head (Existing Graduate Students) |
Wang, Mea | Professor |
Willett, Wesley | Associate Professor |
Woelfel, Philipp | Professor; Associate Head (Graduate Affairs) |
Wong, Nelson | Associate Professor (Teaching); Associate Head (Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement) |
Wu, Leanne | Assistant Professor (Teaching) |
Zhao, Richard | Assistant Professor |