Winter 2024 Courses

Department of Computer Science

Course Details

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Computer Science

CPSC 217 - LEC 1 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I
CPSC 217 - LEC 2 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I
CPSC 217 - LEC 3 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I
CPSC 219 - LEC 1 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II
CPSC 219 - LEC 2 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies II
CPSC 233 - Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II
CPSC 251 - Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science I
CPSC 319 - Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Applications
CPSC 329 - Explorations in Information Security and Privacy
CPSC 331 - Data Structures, Algorithms, and Their Analysis
CPSC 351 - Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science II
CPSC 355 - Computing Machinery I
CPSC 359 - Computing Machinery II
CPSC 365 - C++ Programming
CPSC 383 - Explorations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
CPSC 399.5 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Reverse Engineering)
CPSC 413 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
CPSC 418 - Introduction to Cryptography
CPSC 441 - Computer Networks
CPSC 449 - Programming Paradigms
CPSC 453 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
CPSC 457 - Principles of Operating Systems
CPSC 471 - Data Base Management Systems
CPSC 481 - Human-Computer Interaction I
CPSC 501 - Advanced Programming Techniques
CPSC 502.01B - Research Project in Computer Science
CPSC 502.02B - Research Project in Theoretical Computer Science
CPSC 502.03B - Research Project in Computer Graphics
CPSC 502.04B - Research Project in Information Security
CPSC 502.05B - Research Project in Scientific Computation
CPSC 502.06B - Research Project in Software Engineering
CPSC 502.07B - Research Project in Human Computer Interaction
CPSC 502.08B - Research Project in Networks and Distributed Computing
CPSC 503.01 - Project in Computer Science
CPSC 503.02 - Project in Theoretical Computer Science
CPSC 503.03 - Project in Computer Graphics
CPSC 503.04 - Project in Information Security
CPSC 503.05 - Project in Scientific Computation
CPSC 503.06 - Project in Software Engineering
CPSC 503.07 - Project in Human Computer Interaction
CPSC 503.08 - Project in Networks and Distributed Computing
CPSC 505 - Foundations of Access Control
CPSC 521 - Foundations of Functional Programming
CPSC 526 - Network Systems Security
CPSC 528 - Spam and Spyware
CPSC 544 - Machine Learning
CPSC 556 - Machine Learning in Biometric Security
CPSC 559 - Introduction to Distributed Systems
CPSC 572 - Fundamentals of Network Analysis and Data Mining
CPSC 584 - Human-Robot Interaction
CPSC 585 - Games Programming
CPSC 589 - Modelling for Computer Graphics
CPSC 599.11 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Applied AI in Games)
CPSC 599.27 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Natural Lang Processing)
CPSC 599.4 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Competitive Programming)
CPSC 599.8 - LEC 6 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Mobile Privacy/Security)
CPSC 599.83 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Advanced iOS Programming)
CPSC 601 - Special Topics in Computer Science
CPSC 601.11 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Applied AI in Games)
CPSC 601.16 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Blockchain Technology)
CPSC 601.20 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Interactions with the Future)
CPSC 601.27 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Natural Lang Processing)
CPSC 601.6 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Computational Fabrication)
CPSC 601.93 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Mobile Privacy/Security)
CPSC 601.98 - Special Topics in Computer Science (Spam and Spyware)
CPSC 604 - Foundations of Access Control
CPSC 626 - Network Systems Security
CPSC 656 - Machine Learning in Biometric and Cybersecurity
CPSC 672 - Fundamentals of Social Network Analysis and Data Mining
CPSC 682 - Independent Research Project
CPSC 685 - Developing Serious Extended Reality & Immersive Analytics Applications 
CPSC 689 - Modelling for Computer Graphics
CPSC 699B - Research Methodology in Computer Science
CPSC 701.67 - Research Topics in Computer Science (Automotive & Flying Cars UIs)


Information Security

ISEC 611 - Private Data Management
ISEC 631 - Privacy by Design Laboratory
ISEC 643 - Policies, Standards and Programs
ISEC 651.1 - Topics in Security and Privacy (Privacy-Enhancing Technologies)

Software Engineering

SENG 300 - Introduction to Software Engineering
SENG 401 - Software Architecture
SENG 438 - Software Testing, Reliability, and Quality
SENG 471 - Software Requirements Engineering
SENG 513 - Web-Based Systems
SENG 533 - Software Performance Evaluation
SENG 637 - Dependability and Reliability of Software Systems