Hand and computer screen

Information Security

Students taking this concentration will study subject material including cryptography, computer viruses, spam, and network security - while also gaining a solid foundation in computer sciences and mathematics.

You may focus your BSc Program on Information Security by including a specific set of courses into your degree. Successful completion will mean that 'Concentration in Information Security' will appear on your transcript.

Instructors who specialize in courses associated with this concentration:
Majid Ghaderi, Ryan Henry, Joel Reardon, John Rokne, Reyhaneh Safavi-Naeini, Renate Scheidler, Carey Williamson.

Concentration Description

Keeping information secure in a world of electronic transactions, email, cell phones, wireless access and cyberspace is vital. Students taking this concentration will study subject material including cryptography, computer viruses, spam, and network security among a solid foundation in computer sciences and mathematics.

Obvious career choices can lead to e-security, national defence, finance and banking, or any industry using an Internet based transaction system.

Overview of Concentration Requirements

To complete a concentration in Information Security, there are some restrictions on the option courses that you can choose in your degree program. Consult the University of Calgary calendar for the concentration details concerning your program.