You may focus your BSc Program on Human-Computer Interactions by including a specific set of courses into your degree. Successful completion will mean that 'Concentration in Human-Computer Interactions' will appear on your transcript.
Instructors who specialize in courses for this concentration:
Helen Ai He, Lora Oehlberg, Ehud Sharlin, Ryo Suzuki, Wesley Willett
Concentration Description
Computer Graphics and Information Visualization stress how we can represent information, model objects and processes, and craft their effective and beautiful visuals - animated and static, realistic and abstract.
Human Computer Interaction focuses on how both groups and individuals can interact with those visuals, how we can understand what people really need, and how we can make sure our software is actually usable.
Overview of Concentration Requirements
To complete a concentration in Human Computer Interactions, there are some restrictions on the option courses that you can choose in your degree program. Consult the University of Calgary calendar for the concentration details concerning your program.