Analytics on computer screen

Visualization and Analytics

Students will learn about the algorithms, tools and techniques that can be used to address these challenges with additional experience in data science, statistics and human computer interaction or computer graphics.

You may focus your BSc Program on Visualization and Analytics by including a specific set of courses into your degree. Successful completion will mean that 'Concentration in Visualization and Analytics' will appear on your transcript.

Instructors who specialize in courses associated with this concentration:
Reda Alhajj, Usman Alim, Jörg Denzinger, Helen Ai He, Frank Maurer, Wesley Willett, Richard Zhao

Concentration Description

Visualization and Analytics is an area of significant importance within the broader field of computer science.  Many of the problems that people want to solve with computers from a wide variety of disciplines involve inferring important results from large and/or complex data sets.  This concentration will allow students to be recognized for learning about the algorithms, tools and techniques that can be used to address these challenges with additional experience in data science, statistics and human computer interaction or computer graphics.

Overview of Concentration Requirements

To complete a concentration in Visualization and Analytics, there are some restrictions on the option courses that you can choose in your degree program. Consult the University of Calgary calendar for the concentration details concerning your program.