For Supervisors
Thesis or Candidacy Oral Exam Request
Please use the form to request scheduling of a candidacy or thesis oral exam for a graduate student you are supervising. Please note this is a two-part form.
Part 1: Request for the Graduate Science Centre to Schedule an Oral Exam - Examination Committee
Please complete Part 1 to submit the examining committee information.
Part 2: Request for the Graduate Science Centre to Schedule an Oral Exam - Scheduling Details
Please complete Part 2 to submit the oral exam scheduling details.
- Appeals Procedure (from the Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Avoiding problems before they happen
Academic resolution
- Distribution of Grades (graduate calendar guidelines)
- Student Standing (graduate calendar guidelines)
- Student Progress (graduate calendar guidelines)
- Please view Examination Information on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website
How Computer Science ranks students for funding and scholarship nominations is dependent on annual performance reviews, GPA, year in the program, publications and reference letters. These are all factors which will be considered for any kind of funding.
Intellectual property
- Managing My Program: Supervision
- Supervisory Policy (Computer Science, effective July 1, 2009)
- Supervision During Sabbatical Fellowships and Other Periods of Leave
- Graduate Supervision by Individuals Without a Continuing Board Appt. (Contact the Graduate Science Centre at sci.grad@ucalgary.ca)
- When students request a change of supervisors (Departmental guidelines)
Teaching assistantships
- TA Orientation Handout
- TA Problem Report Form
- For regulations relating to Graduate Assistantship – Teaching funding, visit http://www.ucalgary.ca/hr/files/hr/gsa-ca.pdf
General graduate studies policies
- For information on the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ policies and procedures, please visit the University of Calgary Calendar.
- For additional information, please view our FAQ page.