Fall 2024 Courses
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Course Details
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Actuarial Science
ACSC 325 - Theory of Interest/Mathematics of Finance
ACSC 425 - Intermediate Finance and Investment
ACSC 427 - Life Contingencies II
ACSC 437 - Actuarial Models
ACSC 511 - Generalized Linear Models for Actuaries
ACSC 513 - Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice
ACSC 517 - Estimating Unpaid Claims in General Insurance
ACSC 537 - Credibility Theory
ACSC 611 - Generalized Linear Models for Actuaries
ACSC 617 - Estimating Unpaid Claims in General Insurance
ACSC 637 - Credibility Theory
MATH 177 - Further Topics from Mathematics 277
MATH 211 - LEC 1 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 2 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 3 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 4 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 5 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 6 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 7 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 8 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 9 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 10 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 11 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 12 - Linear Methods I
MATH 211 - LEC 13 - Linear Methods I
MATH 212 - Mathematical Ways of Thinking
MATH 249 - Introductory Calculus
MATH 265 - University Calculus I
MATH 267 - University Calculus II
MATH 271 - Discrete Mathematics
MATH 275 - Calculus for Engineers and Scientists
MATH 311 - Linear Methods II
MATH 322 - Curves and Surfaces
MATH 327 - Number Theory
MATH 335 - Analysis I
MATH 367 - University Calculus III
MATH 375 - Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists
MATH 376 - Differential Equations I
MATH 383 - Introduction to Mathematical Finance
MATH 391 - Numerical Analysis I
MATH 431 - Algebra II
MATH 493 - Numerical Analysis II
MATH 499 - Special Topics
MATH 511 - Algebra III
MATH 545 - Analysis III
MATH 581 - Stochastic Calculus for Finance
STAT 205 - LEC 1 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 205 - LEC 2 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 205 - LEC 3 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 207 - Introduction to Statistical Enquiry for Data Scientists
STAT 213 - Introduction to Statistics I
STAT 217 - Introduction to Statistics II
STAT 321 - Introduction to Probability
STAT 407 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT 421 - Mathematical Statistics
STAT 429 - Linear Models and Their Applications
STAT 525 - Applied Multivariate Analysis
STAT 531 - Monte Carlo Methods and Statistical Computing
STAT 701 - Theory of Probability I