M&S Undergraduate Research Awards

Department of Mathematics and Statistics Undergraduate Research Award
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers support for Mathematics and Statistics undergraduate majors research supervised by members of the department.
These awards operate in a modality similar to the NSERC USRAs. A Mathematics and Statistics student major may apply for the award to conduct research under the supervision of one of our faculty members. For a list of faculty members willing to supervise undergraduate research projects go to our department's website or to our research areas page, and contact the professor with whom you would be interested to conduct a research project.
Value of the award: $7,500 total:
- M&S Department Funds contributes $6,000 towards the student stipend.
- Supervisor provides a mandatory supplement (top-up) of $1,500 at minimum.
Duration: 16-weeks (4 months) on a full-time basis. They can start at any time (see below for conditions).
- To be eligible to apply, a student
- must be currently registered in a Mathematics and Statistics major bachelor's program.
- must have obtained, over the entire period of undergraduate studies, a minimum cumulative B average (3.0 gpa, 2nd class).
- To be eligible to hold the award, a student
- must have been registered in at least one of the two preceding terms,
- a student who has graduated may hold a USRA in one of the two terms immediately following their graduation,
- be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in the mathematical and statistical sciences during the tenure of the award.
- Students who have already graduated by the application deadline are not eligible to apply. (This is understood to mean that a student who has received their degree by the application deadline is not eligible to apply.)
- This award may not be held concurrently with any other award such as USRAs.
- Awards are expected to be held mainly during Summer and Spring, or during semesters without any or with a very light course load.
Application process:
Send the following two documents mathadmin@ucalgary.ca
- A one or two-page description with the following:
- Outline of proposed research Provide a description of the proposed research project for the period during which the award will be held. The proposed research must be related to a field in the natural sciences and/or engineering.
- Outline of the student’s role Briefly describe the student’s role in the research.
- The expected start and end dates for the project. Please allow at least three weeks of processing time.
(it must be a 16-week period for the full amount of the award. Shorter periods can be arranged.)
- Current transcripts of the student applicant.
If these two documents are sent separately, please clearly identify the research project, supervisor, and student’s names in each submission.
Adjudication of the awards: Awards will be vetted by the Department’s Research and Scholarship committee.