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Graduate Awards and Scholarships

The University of Calgary offers awards to reward academic achievement and to help bridge the gap between the cost of education and limited student income, allowing students to focus on their studies and research.

Application resources

Scholarships and award applications are part of the graduate student professionalization process. As such, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics expects graduate students to apply for scholarships and awards for which they are eligible and encourages interested students to pursue industrial internship opportunities. The following resources are available to assist in preparing a strong application.

Examples of graduate studies awards in Mathematics and Statistics

Henrietta Weyland Graduate Scholarship in Mathematics

This scholarship is open to students registered full-time in a doctoral program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Selection is based on academic excellence.

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Eric Milner Graduate Scholarship and Prize

This scholarship and prize commemorate and honour the life of Eric Milner, a professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department for many years, and his devotion to mathematics and to sharing his knowledge with others.

The scholarship and prize are open to full time master's or doctoral students in a thesis program. The successful candidate should have demonstrated not only expertise in mathematics but also a capacity to share this expertise with others.

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Teaching awards

The department offers Graduate Assistant Teaching Excellence Awards to its best teaching assistants every fall and winter semester. These awards carry a modest token of financial appreciation and are given based on TA evaluation form scores, students' comments, and other supporting evidence of excellence in teaching.

Service awards

The department sometimes offers Graduate Assistant Service Awards to its best TAs (if funding permits). These awards carry a modest token of financial appreciation and are given to graduate students for their effort to come forward when extra help is needed for regular teaching duties.

Jagannath Wani Graduate Scholarship in Statistics

This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Jagannath Wani, professor emeritus in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and founder of the actuarial science program at the University of Calgary. This award honours his long-standing commitment and dedication to the actuarial science profession.

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