
Research Areas

Explore research areas in our department

Actuarial science

Statistics, probability theory and stochastic processes

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Algebraic geometry, number theory and cryptography

Number theory, algebraic geometry, information and communication, circuits, associative rings and algebras, topological groups, lie groups, algebraic topology

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Estimation and testing for biological and medical data, lifetime data analysis, infectious disease modelling, incomplete data and measurement error, causal inference, statistical genetics, the design and analysis of clinical trials, longitudinal data analysis, epidemiological studies, analysis of clustered data, analysis of genomic and multi-scale -omics data

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Combinatorics, discrete mathematics, geometry and logic

Mathematical logic and foundations, combinatorics, order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures, geometry, convex and discrete geometry, differential geometry, computing methodologies and applications

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Industrial mathematics (biology, computer science, energy, finance, geoscience, medicine, planet Earth)

Applied mathematics: Biology and other natural sciences, game theory, economics, social and behavioural sciences, geophysics, operations research, mathematical programming, computer science, machine learning, artificial intelligence. Mathematics of the planet Earth

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Mathematical finance

Computational methods, energy price modelling, exotic derivative pricing, portfolio optimization, simulation technologies

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Pure and applied analysis and mathematical physics

Complex variables and analytic spaces, functional analysis, operator theory, linear and multi-linear algebra; matrix theory, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, difference and functional equations, operator theory, calculus of variations and optimal control, optimization, probability theory and stochastic processes, numerical analysis, functional analysis, differential geometry, global analysis, analysis on manifolds, mechanics of particles and systems, quantum theory, information and communication circuits

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Statistical estimation and inference, likelihood methods, minimum distance methods, Bayesian methods, methods for high-dimensional/big data, statistical learning, data mining and machine learning, classification and clustering, dimension reduction and feature selection, pattern recognition, experimental design, reliability and survival analysis, extreme-value analysis, stochastic process, statistical engineering, financial statistics, industrial statistics

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Institutes, centres and groups

Our institutes, centres and groups align with the strategic research goals of the university, the Faculty of Science, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

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Faculty of Science Grand Challenges

Research that fuels innovation and pushes the boundaries of knowledge.

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Research Plan

The new knowledge we create through cutting-edge research results in societal impact, which produces an environment in which students can achieve their potential and flourish.

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