Spring 2024 Courses
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Actuarial Science
ACSC 327 - Life Contingencies I
Data Science
DATA 201 - Thinking with Data
DATA 605 - Actionable Visualization and Analytics
DATA 606 - Statistical Methods in Data Science
DATA 691 - Integrated Topics in Data Science and Analytics
DATA 693A - Professional Internship in Data Science and Analytics
DATA 695A - Research Internship in Data Science and Analytics
MATH 209 - Applied and Computational Linear Algebra for Energy Engineers
MATH 211 - Linear Methods I
MATH 249 - Introductory Calculus
MATH 265 - University Calculus I
MATH 311 - Linear Methods II
MATH 375 - Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists
STAT 213 - Introduction to Statistics I
STAT 217 - Introduction to Statistics II
STAT 321 - Introduction to Probability
STAT 601.28 - Topics in Probability and Statistics (Deep Learn Hands on Prac.)
Course Details
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