Winter 2024 Courses
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Course Details
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Actuarial Science
ACSC 325 - Theory of Interest/Mathematics of Finance
ACSC 327 - Life Contingencies I
ACSC 515 - Models for Financial Economics
ACSC 527 - Life Contingencies III
ACSC 531 - Loss Distributions and Their Estimations
ACSC 539.6 - Special Topics in Actuarial Science (Interest Rate Modelling)
ACSC 600B - Research Seminar
ACSC 627 - Advanced Life Contingencies
ACSC 639.6 - Conference Course in Actuarial Modelling (Interest Rate Modelling)
BIST 600 - Research Seminar
BIST 601 - Biostatistical Consulting
BIST 610 - Fundamentals of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
BIST 611 - Infectious Disease Modelling
MATH 205 - Mathematical Explorations
MATH 211 - Linear Methods I
MATH 249 - Introductory Calculus
MATH 265 - University Calculus I
MATH 267 - University Calculus II
MATH 271 - Discrete Mathematics
MATH 277 - Multivariable Calculus for Engineers and Scientists
MATH 307 - Complex Analysis I
MATH 311 - Linear Methods II
MATH 315 - Algebra I
MATH 318 - Introduction to Cryptography
MATH 319 - Transformation Geometry
MATH 361 - Linear Methods III
MATH 367 - University Calculus III
MATH 413 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 445 - Analysis II
MATH 476 - Differential Equations II
MATH 516 - Senior Project
MATH 518 - Honours Thesis
MATH 583 - Computational Finance
MATH 600B.1 - Research Seminar (Research Seminar 2015)
MATH 605 - Differential Equations III
MATH 617 - Functional Analysis
MATH 641.01 - Algebraic Number Theory
MATH 683 - Computational Finance
STAT 205 - LEC 1 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 205 - LEC 2 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 205 - LEC 3 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 205 - LEC 4 - Introduction to Statistical Inquiry
STAT 213 - Introduction to Statistics I
STAT 217 - Introduction to Statistics II
STAT 323 - Introduction to Theoretical Statistics
STAT 327 - Statistics for the Physical and Environmental Sciences
STAT 423 - Statistical Analysis of Sample Survey
STAT 431 - Introduction to Biostatistics
STAT 505 - Time Series Analysis
STAT 517 - Practice of Statistics
STAT 533 - Survival Models
STAT 543 - Statistical Learning
STAT 600B.1 - Research Seminar (Research Seminar 2015)
STAT 633 - Survival Models
STAT 641 - Statistical Learning
STAT 721 - Statistical Inference