Students study in math sciences hallway


Logging in to WeBWorK

In order to access your WeBWorK course, you will need to log in to the D2L site for your course, and then follow the link provided there.  Once you have accessed WeBWorK via D2L, you can bookmark the WeBWorK landing page and log in using your IT username and password if you prefer.

Getting started with WeBWorK

WeBWorK is an open-source online homework assignment and quizzing system now in use at over 700 colleges and universities worldwide. The purpose of the system is to give students access to homework problems over the internet and then accept and grade solutions as they are submitted. Students are encouraged to seek out help from their TAs and professors in labs and tutorials as they work through their assignments.

Normal usage of the system would be:

  • Log in and view the assignment.  You may download and print out the assignment if you'd like.
  • Complete the assignment away from the computer.  For many of the questions you will need to do work using pencil and paper to find the answer.
  • Return to the computer and submit solutions.

Students are free to answer the questions in any order and at different times.

Once logged in, you will see the following options on the left side of the page:

  • Begin homework sets
  • See grades on WeBWorK assignments and quizzes

In the main frame, you will see a list of assignments. Click on an individual assignment to view the questions from that assignment. You can view a problem as many times as you would like without being required to answer the question. From this screen you can also download a copy of the assignment.

Some problems might allow for more than one attempt. However, rather than just taking guesses at the answers, you are encouraged to seek help from fellow students, the continuous tutorial, your teaching assistant or professor.

If you have any problems with the system, consult the frequently asked questions at the bottom of this page.

FAQs (frequently asked questions)

There will be a link in the D2L site for your WeBWorK course.  If you are having trouble with any links in D2L please contact your instructor.

This page covers technical information about accessing WeBWorK.  For help with the content in WeBWorK you should consult the course materials (D2L site, textbook, TA or instructor).

Consult your course outline for your instructor's policy on extensions and extra attempts.

You are usually allowed several attempts on each question. If you are running low on attempts, it is probably a good idea to consult with your fellow students, the Math Help Centre, or your teaching assistant to ensure that you are on the right track.

Since you can still check your answers after the due date, requests for extensions made after the due date has passed will generally be refused. Due dates for WeBWorK assignments are posted well in advance. If you wait until the last minute, you will not have time to fix any mistakes that you discover when submitting your answers.

You should consult your fellow students. If they agree that your answer is correct, then you can check with the Math Help Centre or your teaching assistant. If they agree that your answer is correct, then contact your professor.

For all coursework-related matters (deadlines, course material, grading, etc.), you should contact your instructor.

If you are having any WeBWorK technical issues (e.g. the entire WeBWorK site is inaccessible), please contact UService.

You will need to provide them with all of the following information.

  • Your name
  • Your University of Calgary student ID number
  • Your University of Calgary email address
  • Your course name and number (e.g., AMAT 307)
  • Your lecture number (e.g., L01)
  • Your lab or tutorial number (e.g., B01 or T01)
  • Your professor’s name
  • Date of error/problem (e.g., May 9, 2019)
  • Time of error/problem (e.g., 10:45 a.m.)
  • Description of error/problem

Please only contact UService concerning technical issues with WeBWorK. The technicians will not be able to answer mathematical questions or help with any course-related issues.