Calgary Number Theory Research Group
The Calgary Number Theory Group is comprised of researchers in mathematics and computer science who support a sizable team of postdocs, graduate students and undergraduates. We welcome applications from strong prospective graduate students.
Our research interests are diverse and include algebraic number theory, algorithmic and computational number theory, arithmetic dynamics, arithmetic geometry, and cryptography.
We meet once a week for number nosh where we bring and eat our lunch, talk about math and other things, and have informal presentations. We host and participate in a variety of seminar series and collaborative research initiatives, including the Calgary Algebra & Number Theory Seminar. Several team members are actively involved in or affiliated with the Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance (ISPIA). Every year, we gather with our fellow number theorists from all across the region for the Alberta Number Theory Days, held annually on a spring weekend at the Banff International Research Station (BIRS).
Our group mourns the loss of Richard Guy who passed away on March 9, 2020, at the impressive age of 103. Richard was a mathematical giant who made enormous contributions to number theory and combinatorial game theory. Active till the end, he was a passionate educator, a generous philanthropist and an avid mountaineer. To us, he was also a valued colleague, mentor and friend.
- Mark Bauer, algebraic and computational number theory, diophantine equations, cryptography
- Mike Jacobson (Computer Science), computational number theory, cryptography
- Matt Greenberg, algebraic number theory, p-adic L-functions
- Khoa Nguyen, arithmetic dynamics, diophantine geometry
- Renate Scheidler, algorithmic number theory, cryptography
- Hugh Williams (Emeritus), computational number theory, history of mathematics and computation