Technovation 2019 Junior Division Teams
View the apps developed by our six 2019 Junior Division Teams!

1st Place Award
Team Name: Robot Unicorns
App Name: Cloud9
School: Arbour Lake School
Description: Taking you to your highest point! Anxiety is something heavy on your shoulder that you just can’t get off. Sometimes you need some help. That’s where Cloud9 comes in. Cloud9 helps you work through your journey of social anxiety from a child’s point of view, with a friend: a non-scary bunny that makes you feel like you’re not alone, and you can say whatever you want without worrying about what they’re thinking , a therapist: a dog - the best listener, trustworthy, and actually understands you , a story: articles that are found based on what you need help with, so you can hear stories from people going through the same thing.

3rd Place Award
Team Name: (Fun)rable
App Name: (Fun)rable
School: Ismaili Community
Description: (Fun)rable is a multimedia app where youth can seek help from qualified mental health care professionals. Users can connect easily to reliable support, where a mental health professional can aid the user in navigating their feelings and thoughts. Funrable gets that it’s okay to be sad.
View Team Photo | View Pitch Video | View Demo Video

Team Name: The Legends
App Name: ActivEasy
School: River Valley School
Description: ActivEasy is an awesome mobile app that makes it easier to connect people with similar interests through extracurricular activities in Calgary! We find that many of our peers do not participate in extracurricular activities because their parents cannot afford the time to drive them. You can use ActivEasy to search for nearby extracurricular activities to participate in or you can create your very own custom extracurricular activity. ActivEasy allows you to manage your activity schedule and to share them with your friends. ActivEasy will also allow you and your friends who are going to the same activity to coordinate carpooling.

Team Name: Wolverines
App Name: ConnectCalgary
School: River Valley School
Description: Volunteering made easy with Connect Calgary! Find the best volunteer opportunities in Calgary for your time and schedule. This app will connect you to a wide variety of Calgary’s volunteer organizations and allow you to sign up for the organizations and times that work for you. Make the time you have to give back as easy and fun as possible! This app is offered free of charge and is only available in the Calgary area.

2nd Place Award
Team Name: CCE
App Name: GREEN
School: West Island College
Description: Our mission is to create a better understanding of small-scale gardening and agriculture. The problem is that many people today do not have a good understanding of how to grow healthy plants. Our app GREEN is designed to help people gain a greater knowledge of gardening while guiding them through the process. In doing so, they can improve their quality of life by creating nicer environments for themselves and assisting them in growing their own tasty, fresh and nutritious food. The best part is our users can reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying the fruits of their labour.

Team Name: Smart Cats
App Name: Paw Pals
School: Arbour Lake School
Description: We help connect owners with their pets. With a whole community of pet lovers, we help you virtually, to find your lost pets. And we help connect you to a whole group of similar people. This app will save time, paper, and, of course, your pets.