Jennifer Adams
Canada Research Chair in Creativity, Equity and Justice in STEMM
Dr. Jennifer D. Adams’ research broadly focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion and creativity in STEM education. Specifically, she examines the experiences of Black and other cultural identities who have been historically marginalized from and underrepresented in STEM majors and careers. Underlying her work are critical, decolonizing and desettling stances to understanding systemic barriers and broadening representation in STEM. Other areas of research include:
- Creativity in STEM teaching and learning
- Urban place-based environmental education and civic engagement
- STEM educator learning and development
- BIPOC youth STEM identity and engagement in informal science or out-of-school programs

Paul Barclay
UCalgary Research Excellence Chair
Physics and Astronomy
Paul Barclay completed his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at the California Institute of Technology in 2007 before joining Hewlett Packard Labs, in Palo Alto, California, where he helped establish the emerging field of diamond quantum photonics. His undergraduate degree is in Engineering Physics from UBC. Since starting his lab at the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Calgary 2011, he has performed pioneering research in the field of diamond photonics, spin-optomechanics, and in nanophotonic quantum sensors. His research impact was recognized in 2023 by his election as an Optica Fellow, in 2019 by the Herzberg Medal for early career researchers from the Canadian Association of Physicists, and in 2017 by an NSERC Discovery Accelerator award. He is a former AITF Scholar and has led two major CFI Innovation Fund projects as well as NSERC and Alberta Innovated Strategic Research Projects. His group members, who also work at the NRC Nanotechnology Research Centre in Edmonton, have won numerous awards, including a Governor General's Gold Medal. He is currently the Director of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology and the Scientific Lead of qLab, a nanofabrication facility being implemented as part of the Quantum City initiative at UofC. View contact information

Jan Ciborowski
NSERC/COSIA Industrial Research Chair in Oil Sands Wetland Reclamation
Biological Sciences
Dr. Ciborowski’s research seeks to develop a transformational methodology to characterize and assess the ecological condition of wetlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands reclamation landscapes, and to ultimately enable industry to better reclaim land and promote biodiversity. His IRC program will answer the following questions:
- How can industry best predict the early development, biodiversity, and persistence of wetlands in a reclaimed landscape, using knowledge of the environment and landscape?
- What environmental or biological indicators best reflect long-term resilience and/or persistence in young wetlands?
- What reclamation features will promote young wetlands’ formation, resilience and persistence?
He and his team will study the functionality (based on wetland size, depth and water exchanges), water quality (amounts of salts and other compounds) and surrounding disturbance features of newly forming wetlands in the post-mining landscape. Biological surveys (aquatic invertebrates, plants, and birds) will show which of these features are most important in sustaining biodiversity as wetlands age. View contact information.

Christopher Clarkson
ARC/Ovintiv Chair in Subsurface Transitional Energy Pathways (STEPs)
Tamaratt Research Professor in Transitional Energy
Earth, Energy, and Environment
Christopher R. Clarkson is the Tamaratt Research Professor in Transitional Energy, ARC/Ovintiv Research Chair in Subsurface Transitional Energy Pathways (STEPs), and Associate Head Research and Innovation in the Department of Earth, Energy and Environment at the University of Calgary. He is also an adjunct professor with the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Calgary.
His work focus in the industry was on exploration for, and development of, unconventional gas (UG) and light oil (ULO) reservoirs. His research focus, since coming to the University of Calgary in 2009, has been on advanced reservoir characterization methods for UG-ULO, such as rate- and pressure-transient analysis, flowback analysis, DFIT analysis, and reservoir sample analysis. He is also interested in the application of these advanced reservoir characterization methods to the evaluation of subsurface transitional energy pathways using the subsurface, such as geological carbon storage, hydrogen storage, and geothermal energy. Clarkson currently leads an industry- and government-sponsored research group called “Tight Oil Consortium," focused on unconventional light oil reservoirs, and has recently initiated an industry-sponsored research group called “Transitional Energy Consortium”, focused on subsurface transitional energy pathways.
Clarkson has authored or co-authored over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 150 full-length conference papers (primarily associated with SPE conferences), 3 book chapters (2 for SPE monographs), and a book, the latter comprised of 2 volumes (>1,100 pages) on the topic of “Unconventional Reservoir Rate-Transient Analysis” (Elsevier, 2021). He has presented his work all over the world at conferences, workshops and forums.
Clarkson has been an active SPE member since 2000. He was an SPE Distinguished Lecturer for the 2009/2010 lecturer season and was an Associate Editor for the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology (2012-2015) and SPE Journal (2015-2020). He has served on numerous conference technical and organization committees for SPE in the past 20+ years and received the SPE “A Peer Apart” award (2020) for completing more than 100 reviews for SPE’s peer-reviewed journals. Clarkson is the recipient of the Rossiter W. Raymond Award (AIME) and Alfred Noble Prize (ASCE) (2005), 2016 SPE Regional Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award (Canadian Region), the 2018 SPE Calgary Section Technical Excellence and Achievement Award, 2021 SPE Regional Formation Evaluation Award (Canadian Region), the 2022 SPE International Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award, and the 2024 SPE John Franklin Carll Award for Distinguished Professionals. He also received the 2017 Alberta Science and Technology (ASTech) award for “Outstanding Achievement in Applied Technology and Innovation”.
Clarkson is a certified professional engineer (APEGA, 2003) with 11 years of industry experience as a petroleum (reservoir) engineer. He received BASc (1992), MASc (1994) and PhD (1998) degrees in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia. View contact information.

Christopher Cully
Associate Professor
NSERC CRC II in Space Physics
Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Christopher Cully’s research interests include:
- Wave-particle interactions in space plasmas
- Electric field structure in the magnetosphere and ionosphere
- Space plasma electric field instruments
- Kinetic plasma solutions
- Ion outflow
He is the principal investigator for ABOVE. Dr. Cully is also a co-investigator on ESA's Cluster and Solar Orbiter missions, a science team member on NASA's Themis and CSA's ePOP missions, and a member of the EFW instrument team on NASA's Van Allen Probes. View contact information.

Marina Gavrilova
UCalgary Research Excellence Chair
Computer Science
Dr. Gavrilova is a co-director of the Biometric Technology Laboratory (BTLab) and a Research Excellence Chair in Trustworthy and Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dr. Gavrilova research examines how biometric data proliferation leads to redefining of our understanding of human identity. She introduced new models of information fusion, unraveled intricate relationships between human behavior, emotions and social interactions, and created the area of social behavioral biometrics. Dr. Gavrilova transdisciplinary research focuses on design and development of trustworthy, explainable, reliable, and ethical decision-making systems and their integration in safety, cybersecurity and health applications. Dr. Gavrilova co-authored a World Scientific bestselling book, has launched conferences and founded a scientific journal. She has represented Canada as a keynote speaker at international conferences, and received several prestigious awards, including the Order of the University of Calgary and the Killam Annual Professorship. Her research was featured on Discovery Channel, CBC Radio, and in the National Museum of Civilization exhibit. In all her engagements with students and colleagues, Dr. Gavrilova keeps the focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion. As a role model, Dr. Gavrilova has sparked a passion for science and technology in many young aspiring scholars through her advocacy and engagement in the media and global community. View contact information

Ann Gregory
Assistant Professor
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Tier 2 CRC in Viromics
and One Health
Biological Sciences
Dr. Ann Gregory is a viral ecologist, and bioinformatician who leads the Integrative Viromics Lab at the University of Calgary. She is a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Viromics and One Health and CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar. Ann’s research focuses on uncovering the roles of viruses within microbial ecosystems and their implications for human and environmental health. Her work aims to develop innovative phage and virus solutions to address challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, chronic diseases, and environmental resilience. View contact information.

Joe Harrison
CIHR CRC II in Biofilm Microbiology and Genomics
Biological Sciences
Dr. Harrison is a microbiologist, biochemist and molecular geneticist that holds a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Biofilm Microbiology and Genomics from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR). His research aims to better understand chronic infectious diseases and to devise new ways to defeat them. Harrison chairs the Biofilm Research Group (BRG) and has helped to define institutional strategic research policy as part of the “Infections, Inflammation and Chronic Diseases” and “One Health” thought leaders’ groups. Harrison is a co-lead for Integrated Microbiome Platforms for Advancing Causation Testing and Translation (IMPACTT), which is the CIHR-funded Canadian Microbiome Core. During his PhD, Dr. Harrison had a key role in developing and commercializing the MBEC assay, which is used for biofilm antimicrobial susceptibility testing. This technology was commercialized to create a spinoff company acquired in 2006 by Innovotech Incorporated, which is now listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Harrison has sat on many scientific advisory and peer-review committees nationally and internationally and Chaired the Scientific Advisory Committee for Cystic Fibrosis Canada in 2020. View contact information.

Casey Hubert
UCalgary Research Excellence Chair
Biological Sciences
Dr. Hubert’s research interests focus on diverse microbiomes and their role in healthy environments. Study sites come from the natural world as well as engineered systems. A major emphasis is placed on marine microbiology and extremophiles, including microbiomes capable of oil spill biodegradation. For example, work with Inuit collaborators in Nunatsiavut is incorporating microbiome science into Imappivut – the local marine management plan. Understanding microbiomes in industrial settings includes extremophiles (e.g., anaerobic thermophiles) and their distribution and biogeography in the subsurface deep biosphere. This can contribute to geobiotechnologies for the geoenergy sector in areas such as reservoir souring control via nitrate injection or underground hydrogen storage. Applying similar principles of environmental microbiology to municipal wastewater has contributed to new monitoring strategies for public health. This includes tracking COVID-19 trends in different Alberta communities and screening wastewater samples for other viruses and bacteria using genomic tools. View contact information.

Jed Kaplan
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Tier 1 CRC in Global Geospatial Intelligence for Earth Systems Modeling
Earth, Energy, and Environment
Computer Science
The Earth System comprising the atmosphere and oceans, geosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere is currently going through an enormous transformation, driven by the increasing magnitude and extent of human activities. Indeed, humans may now be more important than changes in Earth’s orbit around the sun and plate tectonics in influencing Earth’s climate, leading to increasing recognition of the term anthropocene to describe humanity’s pervasive influence on the environment. Understanding how natural cycles in the Earth System influence one another and human activity, and how humans in turn are affecting Earth is critical for ensuring a sustainable future for the natural, cultural, and recreational resources upon which societies depend, and for the sake of nature itself.
Professor Jed O. Kaplan’s research sits at the interface between the earth and environmental sciences and computer science. Through the development and application of computer simulation models of Earth System processes, Dr. Kaplan and his team aim to reveal the ways in which humans and natural cycles interact, evolve, and affect climate and ecosystems over the long-term. His current projects include:
- Identifying opportunities for the restoration of Indigenous fire management practices that reduce air pollution and the risk of catastrophic and destructive wildfires.
- Understanding how climate change influenced human and societal evolution from the Paleolithic to the emergence of complex civilizations.
- Quantifying how technological innovation in history affected global land cover.
- Characterizing how land use and land cover change feedback to weather and climate.
- Development of a next generation of global vegetation models with greater fidelity and higher resolution.

Susana Kimura-Hara
Associate Professor
NSERC CRC II in Analytic and Aquatic Chemistry
Dr. Kimura-Hara’s research interests are in the areas of drinking water treatment, analytical chemistry and toxicology. She is interested in the identification and formation mechanisms of unregulated disinfection by-products using advanced mass spectrometry instrumentation and techniques. She has a particular interest on the formation and toxicity of emerging disinfection by-products and contaminants of concern derived from oxidation and membrane-based technologies developed to remove contaminants from municipal wastewater effluents. View contact information.

Ian Lewis
Associate Professor
University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair
Biological Sciences
The Lewis laboratory specializes in harnessing metabolomics technology to understand the role metabolism plays in infectious diseases. The goal of this research is to develop new diagnostic methods to identify high risk patients and novel antimicrobial therapies to control infections. One of the key challenges Lewis's laboratory faces is unraveling the complex host-pathogen metabolic dynamics that occur during infections. To address this challenge, they use state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology to comprehensively quantify the flow of molecules between pathogens and their hosts. Recently, Dr. Lewis launched the Calgary Metabolomics Research Facility (CMRF)–a mass spectrometry facility that was designed specifically to meet the unique challenges faced in metabolomics. This metabolomics facility is a powerful new resource for connecting metabolic phenomena with specific genes and is essential for understanding the metabolic determinants of virulence. View contact information.

Justin MacCallum
Associate Professor
CIHR CRC II in Biomolecular Structure and Design
Dr. MacCallum’s lab studies protein structure and biomolecular recognition using a combination of computational modeling and biophysical experiments. He aims to understand basic driving forces and to use this knowledge for practical applications, including new approaches to structure determination and the design of new biomolecules. The lab’s focus is on the development and application of powerful computational modeling tools, which we validate and improve through complementary experimental studies. Current efforts in the lab focus on two main directions: (1) alternative approaches to structure determination and (2) design of protein-protein and protein-peptide interactions using physical modeling and free energy simulations. View contact information.

Robert Marriott
Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. Chair in Industrial Sulfur Chemistry
Dr. Marriott’s research group focuses on optimizing gas conditioning in the presence of H2S, bulk fluid separation by ionic liquids, high-pressure water-hydrocarbon solution chemistry (including hydrates) and fundamental properties of elemental sulfur under industrial conditions. The research is carried out adjacent to the Alberta Sulphur Research Ltd. laboratories at the University Research Centre (URC) and in many cases complement ASRL’s Core Research Program. View contact information.

Kelly Munkittrick
Campus Alberta Innovation Program Chair in Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Biological Sciences
Dr. Munkittrick’s research is primarily field-based and focused on measuring the responses of wild fishes to natural and anthropogenic stressors including pulp mills, oil refineries, oil sands operations, agriculture), and municipalities, on examining the suitability of laboratory studies for predicting field effects, and on the use of alternate approaches for detecting impacts. Most recently his focus has been on developing adaptive, tiered and triggered monitoring frameworks, and in linking the various monitoring programs exist to a common philosophical foundation and integrated management framework. Long term data sets are used to define “normal ranges” for monitoring parameters ranging from water quality measurements and benthic invertebrate community information, to fish population metrics. His academic studies are focused on testing hypotheses about the role that variation in fish reproductive life histories plays in species differences in sensitivity to environmental contamination. He developed an effects-based ecosystem health assessment approach focused on fish life history information on growth rates, reproductive rates, survival, and indicators of condition which is used to generate and test site-specific hypotheses related to identifying stressors responsible for changes in fish populations. View contact information.

D. Khoa Nguyen
Associate Professor
NSERC CRC II in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry
Mathematics and Statistics
Numbers, fractals, and dynamical systems are ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Integers are whole numbers such as 0, 1, 2, 999, 2147483647, etc. that not only appear in every ancient civilization but also continue to play a fundamental role in our modern society through coding theory and data security. Fractals are stunning objects with repeating patterns such as the shapes of snowflake, tree roots, etc. A dynamical system consists of the state a(n) such as the coordinate, weight, temperature, etc. of an object after n units of time in which the state a(n) depends on the previous state a(n-1) by a predetermined rule. Dr. Nguyen’s research area involves all of the above subjects under the principle of unlikely intersections which suggests that two random objects in dynamics should have a small intersection. This principle gives rise to the Pollard’s rho algorithms for the factorization and the discrete logarithm problems which are crucial in cryptography. Dr. Nguyen's research group uses tools from algebra, number theory, and dynamics to obtain progress in the mentioned theme of unlikely intersections and related aspects. More specifically, they investigate the dynamics of d-dimensional algebraic objects such as affine spaces and tori. Such systems model the physical world when d=3 and the data are taken from the real numbers. On the other hand, when our data are taken from finite fields (i.e. certain structures with only finitely many elements in which we can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), their research has potential applications to information theory. View contact information.

Javier Orlandi
Assistant Professor
NSERC CRC II in Complex Neural System Modelling
Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Orlandi's research focuses on revealing the neural substrate of large-scale computations in the brain. His research sits at the interface between neuroscience, physics, and machine learning, developing novel tools and analyses to understand how neurons communicate with each other. Focus areas include:
- Developing novel tools to infer connectivity and information flow within neuronal networks
- Establishing new methods to identify distributed codes and information transfer between brain networks
- Implementing complex neural models to reveal the neural underpinning of perceptual learning and decision‐making

Warren Piers
NSERC CRC I in Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions
Dr. Piers’ research aims at developing robust, selective and sustainable catalysts for generating fuels from the end products of combustion, reactions driven by renewable energy. This includes the development of synthetic applications of perfluoroaryl boranes, mechanistic organometallic chemistry in catalysis, and the development of novel boron-based organometallic materials.
His current research focus is on:
- Rigid electron-rich PCP pincer ligands for small molecule activation
- Pentadentate ligand platforms for small molecule activation
- Perfluorarylboranes and boron-nitrogen heterocycles
- Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2

Emma Spanswick
Assistant Professor
NSERC CRC II in Geospace Dynamics and Space Plasma Physics
Physics and Astronomy
Dr. Spanwick seeks to further develop observational techniques that broaden the scope of available information about the near-Earth space environment, using these techniques to study a range of fundamental space science problems and advancing applications for space weather monitoring and prediction.
Focus areas include:
- Dynamics of the Near-Earth Space Environment
- Ground-Based Remote Sensing of the Space Environment
- Ground-Based Remote Instrumentation Development
- Satellite Auroral Imager Design and Development

Marc Strous
NSERC Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Geomicrobiology
Campus Alberta Innovation Program Chair in Energy Bio-Engineering
Dr. Strous’ research group is focused on the development of new bioprocesses for renewable energy and environmental mitigation in the energy and agricultural industry. Their goal is to pioneer unexplored microbiology processes and techniques to help advance Canada's transition to cleaner energy systems. View contact information.

Peter Tieleman
NSERC CRC I in Molecular Simulation
Biological Sciences
Peter Tieleman’s research interests focus on biological membranes and simulation methods for membrane systems. His group is using theoretical methods and powerful computers to better understand how membrane proteins function, how cells interact, how signals are transmitted through cell membranes, and how molecules enter and leave cells. Some examples of current projects include the mechanism of ABC transporters, fundamental interactions within membrane proteins and between proteins and lipids, the mechanism of lung surfactant, nanoparticles for drug delivery, and the development of improved lipid models. View contact information.

Daniel Trad
Associate Professor
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists Chair in Exploration Geophysics
Dr. Trad specializes in signal processing and inversion, in particular in applications to improving seismic data through inverting transformations that contain the physics of seismic acquisition and wave propagation. He has developed several software packages and modules for seismic processing and migration-inversion. His pioneering work on five-dimensional interpolation has become widely used worldwide. More recently he has focused on Least-squares migration, deblending and Machine learning and Quantum computing. View contact information.

Mathilakath Vijayan
NSERC CRC I in Environmental Physiology and Toxicology
Biological Sciences
Dr. Vijayan’s research program is focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in stress tolerance. Specifically, the goal is to discover novel cellular signaling molecules and transduction pathways activated by stressors, revealing hormonal regulation of these stress adaptive pathways, and the integration of these responses at the whole animal level to regain homeostasis
Dr. Vijayan’s research topics can be broadly categorized under:
- Elucidating the pathways that are corticosteroid responsive and critical for developmental programming, growth and metabolism
- Identifying pathways that are sensitive to toxicants (critical window) during the early developmental phase
- Determining the long term, including multigenerational, implications on growth and performance associated with endocrine disruption by maternal transfer of xenobiotics in fish

Mea Wang
University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair
Computer Science
Dr. Mea Wang’s research focuses on the design and development of networking systems and algorithms, with special interests in multimedia networking and systems, cloud computing, eXtended Reality, and artificial intelligence. Her lab conducts research at the intersection of computing and networking. The goal is to deliver innovative networking and system solutions to enhance Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Quality-of-Experience (QoE). Dr. Wang’s is leading the transdisciplinary research in digital accessibility, with the goal to improve accessibilities of physical spaces and inclusivity of neurodivergent people. The technology advancements from this work have a wide range of applications in health, education, and social science. View contact information.

Gregory Welch
University of Calgary Research Excellence Chair
The Welch research group is a chemistry-centric research group working on the development and understanding of sustainable materials for energy health, and the environment. They are currently focused on the design and synthesis of organic and organic/inorganic hybrid functional materials for use in printed electronics, specifically, organic photovoltaics (PVs) field-effect transistors (FETs), and organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), and the integration of these materials into electronic devices. The lab puts an emphasis on applying green chemistry principles to the design, synthesis, and processing of functional materials. The team operates following a lab-to-fab model and translates small scale discoveries to real world applications. Innovative technologies emerging from the lab include indoor light recycling devices, flexible strip lighting for signage and safety, and low-cost sensors for health and food security applications. View contact information.

Wesley Willett
Associate Professor
NSERC CRC II in Visual Analytics
Computer Science
Wesley Willett is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. His interests span information visualization, social computing, new media, and human computer interaction, and his research focuses on pairing data and interactivity to support collaboration, learning, and discovery. At the UofC, he leads the Data Experience Lab, and is a faculty member in the department of Computer Science and the Computational Media Design program. View contact information.

Philipp Woelfel
NSERC CRC II in Randomized and Distributed Algorithms
Computer Science
Dr. Woelfel and his team aim to ensure that computers and networks work quickly and reliably, by finding efficient ways to implement scheduling, resource allocation and process coordination. Modern computing increasingly relies on the ability of multiple hardware components to work in parallel but designing efficient programs for these concurrent systems is difficult. They work to solve computer and network problems by using programs that make random choices and are significantly simpler, more robust, and more efficient than traditional programs. Focus areas include:
- Randomized algorithms and data structures
- Computational complexity
- Theory of distributed computing

Frederick Wrona
Svare Research Chair in Integrated Watershed Processes
Biological Sciences
Dr. Fred Wrona has >30 years of experience leading or contributing to numerous environmental research and monitoring programs addressing regional, national and international environmental issues related to: climate impacts on freshwater ecosystems; cold regions hydro-ecology; multiple stressor and cumulative effects assessments; ecotoxicology; and environmental monitoring program design. Most recently, he was the inaugural Chief Scientist and Assistant Deputy Minister (Environmental Monitoring and Science Division) for the Department of Alberta Environment and Parks and was previously the Vice-President and Chief Scientist at the Alberta Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Agency. He also served as the government co-chair for the joint Canada-Alberta Oil Sands Monitoring Program. View contact information.

Adriana Zardini Buzatto
Assistant Professor
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Tier 2 CRC in Lipidomics
Biological Sciences
Dr. Adriana Zardini Buzatto is an emerging leader in lipidomics, specializing in the analysis of lipid molecules within biological samples. She was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences in July 2023 and holds a Tier II Canada Research Chair in Lipidomics. Her research lines include developing novel diagnostic tools for human diseases, exploring intercellular communication through extracellular vesicles, and understanding the critical role of lipids in the gut microbiome. The Buzatto lab leverages advanced chromatography, mass spectrometry, and biostatistics to identify, annotate, and quantify lipids at a detailed molecular level. Dr. Buzatto transitioned to academia after a period in industry. She also serves as the Associate Director of the Calgary Metabolomics Research Facility (CMRF), where she integrated a lipidomics platform into the facility’s service offerings. Her innovative approach, combining cutting-edge technology with translational research, addresses key challenges in clinical diagnostics and lipid biology. View contact information.