The Parex Resources Innovation Fellowship Program – Translating research into impact

Thank you for your interest in the Parex Fellowships. Below you will find the web submission form. The submission form does not allow you save answers and return repeatedly, therefore we highly recommend writing your application offline and using this form only when ready to submit.  The Terms of Reference includes a list of all application questions and detailed instructions for completing the application to guide you as you develop your application. A copy of the budget template is also available.

A brief note about innovation. Innovation here is defined broadly so as to apply to members from all faculties across campus. In this way, innovation might mean patents, licenses, commercialization, and IP. Or it might be defined by technology or software development or by the creation of a start-up. Innovation may also mean a new approach, process, or service. Innovation may have impact within research or teaching. And it may occur across many of these spaces, or in ones not mentioned. We invite you to share why your project is innovative and why.

The following Faculties are offering a guaranteed, in-kind one half course equivalent (HCE) teaching relief for members of their Faculty who receive a 2025 Parex Resources Innovation Fellowship:

  • Schulich School of Engineering
  • Science
  • Social Work
  • Veterinary Medicine

Applications are welcome from members of other Faculties; however, teaching release is not automatically provided nor guaranteed. At the discretion of your Department Head or Dean, fellowship funds can be used to secure teaching release. If your budget includes paying for course release, you must upload a letter from your Department Head or Dean in Section 3 “Proposed Expenditures”.

NOTE: The deadline for submission is February 24, 2025 at 8:00 am MST

For additional questions, please contact

1. Project Indentification

e.g. Professor, Associate Professer, Assisant Professor, etc.

2. Proposal

Describe the proposed innovation project in plain language as reviewers may not be from your field or discipline. (500 word maximum).
Outline how and why this project is innovative to your discipline/field and beyond. (100 word maximum).
Who are the group(s) who will benefit (or potentially benefit) from the proposed project? (250 words maximum).
  • Provide a description of how you will increase mentoring of HQP involved in innovation activities. Such mentoring activities can, for example, consist of working with students enrolled in entrepreneurial courses, serving as a mentor for the Hunter Hub, or engaging with student-based start-up companies. Note that continuing to supervise current graduate students is not sufficient to constitute a mentoring plan.
  • Consider hard and soft skills, as well as non-traditional experiences or learning.
Provide a description of your work and experiences that are relevant to the successful completion of your proposal (250 word maximum).

3. Proposed Expenditures

Please use the provided table to outline expenditures for your proposed program.

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: xls, xlsx.
  • The budget must be accompanied by a budget justification (250 word maximum) explaining the rationale for these expenditures.
  • Reviewers expect to not only understand how the funds will be used, but also what the funding will enable you to do and why this proposal lies outside the scope of traditional funding opportunities.
n.b. this applies only if you are requesting funds from this fellowship to pay for release. Choose “No” if your course release will be offered in-kind from your department/faculty.

You must include a letter from your department head or dean acknowledging they will allow course buy-outs 

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

4. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

It is important to consider EDIA through each stage of the innovation process including, but not limited to, the design, methodology, and analysis, as well as training, working with partners, and dissemination of results. Use this space to outline your EDIA practices in your proposal.

5. Letters of support

  • Provide 1-2 letters of support from end users and/or partners. This may include outside partners/customers/policy users.
  • Should your innovation be early stage (before partners are involved) consider obtaining letters from potential partners or end users who can assess the potential impact of this innovation.
Maximum 2 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
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