Biological Sciences
Location: Biological Sciences 577A
Location: Science B 605
Science B Building temporary closure
Please note: Science B is temporarily being shut down for electrical upgrades from April 28 to May 28, 2023. While SB is closed, the Department of Chemistry will be located in Earth Sciences 118C. View more information and detour maps -
Computer Science
Location: ICT Building 602
Earth, Energy, and Environment
Location: Earth Sciences 118
Mathematics and Statistics
Location: Math Sciences 476
Physics and Astronomy
Location: Science B 605
Science B Building temporary closure
Please note: Science B is temporarily being shut down for electrical upgrades from April 28 to May 28, 2023. While SB is closed, the Department of Chemistry will be located in Earth Sciences 118C. View more information and detour maps
Data Science
Environmental Science
Natural Sciences