Autoclave Facility
User Policy
The main autoclave facility is located in BI 111 and operates Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. This secure facility is managed by UCalgary technical support staff. During regular operating hours, only qualified technical support staff are authorized to operate the autoclaves. Researchers are required to drop off their items and waste for autoclaving in the main autoclave lab, BI 111.
Training and Standards
Formal, hands-on training, provided by our qualified staff, is mandatory for all researchers before they can use the facility. Once training is completed, users are granted access to operate the autoclaves during after-hours, including evenings and weekends. To schedule autoclave training, email Erika Branagh at Erika.Branagh@ucalgary.ca
FFS Rates (or Facility Use Rates)
The autoclave facility is supported by the Faculty of Science and provides a mandatory service for biosafety level 2 laboratories. As such, there are no fee-for-service rates for researchers.
Please Note When in the Autoclave
Do not touch any of the machines. If you need help loading or unloading something please email Erika Branagh at erika.branagh@ucalgary.ca
- Make note of the first aid kit, spill kit, eye wash, shower, fire extinguishers, fire alarms and defibrillators as well as where the muster point is located (by the cinnamon bun place).
- This is a safety class 2 facility, so those lab rules apply.
Autoclaving: 2 categories - Waste and Media/Equipment
Equipment List
- AMSCO Lab 250 - Location: BI 111
- AMSCO Century - Location: BI -111
- AMSCO Lab 250 - Location: BI 111
- Primus - Location: BI 404
- Must be brought down before 11am M-F
- Must have 3 pieces of information on the bag on tags provided
- PI name
- Lab room number
- Lab phone number
- Logbook on computer must be filled in
- Put it on a tray, extras on the shelf
- Autoclave safe bags only
- Do not overfill
- Tape bags closed but not too tight to allow air to escape
- Remove any dangerous material from autoclave bags. If it is labelled as dangerous but does not contain dangerous material, please deface label
- No Radioactive material
- No chlorine treated material
- Liquids are placed on the black shelf in the proper categories – make sure that the caps are loose
- Dry goods in the metal trays – do not take trays or anything from the prep room back to your lab
- Fill in the logbook on computer – must be done even if outside of Erika’s hours
- If you have a lot of material, it can be left on a cart
- Use appropriate glassware and plastic including appropriate bus pans
- Make sure you label it, so you get it back
- Pick up is on the back shelf in a timely manner
- If you are unloading the autoclave, please unload all the material including other people’s material
- It will be hot – please be careful
- You can stack material within the autoclave, just be careful
- The standard parameters for liquid cycles are 121oC for 20 min. to sterilize most organisms (depending on volume). Other parameters can be used on request.
- Liquid cycle has a slow pressure release – so liquids should only go in the liquid cycle·
- Dry cycle has a quick vacuum cycle at the end to remove water and help material dry
Wash area and dishwasher
Equipment List
- Gettinge 86 Series Dishwasher - Location: BI 111
- Gettinge 86 Series Dishwasher - Location: BI 111
- Please rinse and remove any tape labels in your lab before you bring stuff down to be washed. Place items to be washed on shelf that is at the far back of the prep room by the doors.
- Erika will wash your dishes. Make sure that the container/cart you bring your dishes on is labelled with your lab information. Clean items will be placed on the back bench along the wall for pick up.
- Small Autoclave on the left is available for after hours use (4pm onwards or on the weekends) or if Erika is absent.
- Please do not run it partially filled. This is a shared facility, add other lab’s autoclaving and make sure that you clear it all to the backbench along the wall.
- The second small autoclave, large autoclave and dishwashers are reserved for Erika only. If you need something out of one of these machines and Erika is not in the room, please email: erika.branagh@ucalgary.ca and she will come empty items for you.
- Do no force the doors open on any of the machines!
To use the left autoclave after hours/on the weekends
- Close door
- Select cycle – i.e., liquid 20 or dry 30 etc.
- Start cycle
- Autoclave will indicate when the cycle is done. Do not force the doors open!
- Materials will be hot as well as the walls of the autoclave. Be careful
- Remember to clear everything in it not just your stuff
4th Floor autoclave room
- This room is a shared self-run space for autoclaving media and equipment. Waste must be autoclaved in the prep room BI 111.
- There are 3 reserved times for running the autoclave 10am 12pm and 2pm
- Plan your experiments to either make use of the autoclave at these times or plan for outside of these times.
- Bring your stuff to be autoclaved and put it on the top shelf of the autoclave cart. Someone will start the autoclave at those specific times. If you need your stuff autoclaved come back at the scheduled time and start the machine yourself.
- The person who starts the machine should fill in the logbook. Please put in all the appropriate info and if there is any trouble with the machine put that info in as well.
- Generally, a liquid cycle is done. Unless there is only dry stuff to be autoclaved.
- If you want a specific dry cycle, run it outside of the scheduled times.
- When loading load all the stuff! Not just yours. Also unload all the stuff when it is done. A liquid cycle goes for ~ 1hr to 1hr & 15min. Unload to the marble table on the left of the autoclave. If the table is full, unload to the counter by the door.
- This is a self-use room so if you need oven gloves you will have to bring them yourself. The department does not police this room.
If there are problems with the machine, contact Erika (erika.branagh@ucalgary.ca). If the door sticks do not force it.