Red stars

Past Awards

Faculty Awards of Excellence

  1. Sean Stotyn

    Teaching Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Physics and Astronomy

  2. Mike Wieser

    Teaching Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Physics and Astronomy

  3. Wesley Willett

    Scholarship Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Computer Science

  4. Frank Maurer

    Scholarship Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Faculty of Science

  5. Darla Zelenitsky

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)


  6. Dave Pattison

    Research Excellence Award
    (Established Career)


  7. Jalal Kawash

    Educational Leadership Award
    Computer Science

  8. Phil Langill

    Community Engagement Award
    (Established Career)
    Physics and Astronomy


  9. Barry Sanders

    Leadership in Internationalizaton
    Physics and Astronomy

  1. Max Anikovskiy

    Teaching Excellence Award
    (Early Career)


  2. Anthony Tang

    Teaching Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Computer Science

  3. Jason Donev

    Teaching Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Physics and Astronomy

  4. Chris Clarkson

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)

  5. Sean Rogers

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Biological Sciences

  6. Cindy Sun

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Mathematics and Statistics

  7. Anthony Tang

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)
    Computer Science


  8. Simon Trudel

    Research Excellence Award
    (Early Career)


  9. Reda Alhajj

    Research Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Computer Science

  10. Barry Sanders

    Research Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Physics and Astronomy


  11. Anthony Ware

    Research Excellence Award
    (Established Career)
    Mathematics and Statistics


  12. Ben Stephenson

    Educational Leadership Award
    Computer Science


  13. Ashley Causton

    Community Engagement Award
    (Established Career)


  1. Rajeev Nair

    Excellence in Teaching (Early Career)

  2. Jalal Kawash

    Excellence in Teaching (Established Career)
    Computer Science

  3. Cindy Sun

    Excellence in Scholarship (Early Career)
    Mathematics and Statistics

  4. Sheelagh Carpendale

    Excellence in Scholarship (Established Career)
    Computer Science

  5. Paul Barclay

    Excellence in Research (Early Career)
    Physics and Astronomy

  6. David Eaton

    Excellence in Research (Established Career)

  7. Karoly Bezdek

    Excellence in Research (Lifetime Achievement)
    Mathematics and Statistics

  8. Isabelle Barrette-Ng

    Excellence in Educational Leadership
    Biological Sciences

  9. Mea Wang

    Excellence in Community Engagement (Early Career)
    Computer Science

  10. Robert Woodrow

    Excellence in Community Engagement (Established Career)
    Mathematics and Statistics

  1. Jo-Anne Brown

    SU Teaching     
    Physics and Astronomy

  2. Jason Donev

    SU Teaching
    Physics and Astronomy

  3. Dave Pattison

    SU Teaching

  4. Max Anikovskiy

    SU Teaching Honorable Mention

  5. Dave Hansen

    UoC Teaching Award - Full Time Faculty
    Biological Sciences

  6. Ed Cey

    Science - Excellence in Teaching (Early Career)

  7. Kristine Bauer

    Science - Excellence in Teaching (Established Career)
    Mathematics and Statistics

  8. Krist Innanen, Brandon Karchewski, Rachel Lauer, Don Lawton, Adam Pidlisecky

    Science - Excellence in Teaching (Team)

  9. Glenn Dolphin

    Science - Excellence in Scholarship (Early Career)

  10. Zongpeng Li

    Science - Excellence in Research (Early Career)
    Computer Science

  11. Marc Strous

    Science - Excellence in Research (Established Career)

  12. Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz

    Science - Excellence in Research (Lifetime Achievement)
    Computer Science

  13. Nathaly Verwaal

    Science - Excellence in Educational Leadership
    Computer Science

  14. Darla Zelenitsky

    Science - Excellence in Community Engagement (Early Career)

  15. Lashitew Gedamu

    Science - Excellence in Community Engagement (Established Career)
    Biological Sciences

  1. Dr. Gilad Gour

    Early Career Research Excellence Award     
    Research and Scholarship
    Mathematics and Statistics

  2. Ben Stephenson

    Early Career Scholarship Excellence Award
    Research and Scholarship
    Computer Science

  3. Sheelagh Carpendale

    Established Career Research Excellence Award
    Research and Scholarship
    Computer Science

  4. Jalal Kawash

    Established Career Scholarship Excellence Award
    Research and Scholarship
    Computer Science

  5. Saul Greenburg

    Lifetime Achievement Research Excellence Award
    Research and Scholarship
    Computer Science

  6. Julie Lefebvre

    Early Career Teaching Excellence Award     

  7. Doug Storey

    Established Career Teaching Excellence Award
    Biological Sciences

  8. Heather Addy

    Educational Leadership Award
    Biological Sciences

  9. Lisa Gieg

    Early Career Community Engagement Award
    Community Engagement     
    Biological Sciences

  10. Reda Alhajj

    Established Career Community Engagement Award
    Community Engagement     
    Computer Science

  11. Wendy Benoit

    SU Teaching     

  12. Thi Dinh

    SU Teaching
    Mathematics and Statistics

  13. Ryan Trelford (post-doc)

    SU Teaching     
    Mathematics and Statistics

  14. Peter Hoyer

    SU Teaching Honorable Mention     
    Computer Science

  15. Philip Langill

    SU Teaching Honorable Mention
    Physics and Astronomy

  16. Wic Wildering

    UoC Teaching Award - Experiential Learning Initiatives     
    Biological Sciences

  17. Kyla Flanagan

    UoC Teaching Award - Full Time Faculty (In)
    Biological Sciences

  1. Jeremy Fox

    Community Engagement (Early career)
    Biological Sciences

  2. John Post

    Community Engagement (Established career):
    Biological Sciences

  3. Steve Larter


  4. Christoph Simon

    Physics and Astronomy

  5. Kyla Flanagan

    Teaching (Early career)
    Biological Sciences

  6. David Cramb

    Teaching (Established career)

  7. Leslie Reid

    UofC Teaching Award (Leadership)
    Dean’s Office/Geoscience

  8. Isabelle Barrette-Ng

    UofC Teaching Award (Instructor)
    Biological Sciences

  9. Heather Addy

    UofC Teaching Award (Sr Instructor)
    Biological Sciences

  10. Heather Addy

    Students' Union Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  11. Robert Barclay

    Students' Union Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  12. Rachid Ouyed

    Students' Union Teaching Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  13. Wendy Benoit

    Students' Union Teaching Award (Honourable Mention)

Graduate Student Awards of Excellence

View our 2019-2020 Graduate Student Awards of Excellence recipients

  1. Jacob Forshaw

    Jim and Josie Gray Award

  2. Nicolas Fournier

    Jim and Josie Gray Award
    Biological Sciences

  3. Ryan Morrill

    Fred A. McKinnon Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  4. Benjamin Ulmer

    Fred A. McKinnon Award
    Computer Science

  5. Bipinmeet Singh Chawla

    Alumni Association Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  6. David Hogan

    Don Tavares Award

  7. Arnaud Pastor

    Don Tavares Award

  8. Kai Sands

    Don Tavares Award

  9. Kerri Miller

    John Kendall Doctoral Thesis Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  1. Jason Abboud

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award


  2. Selina Robson

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  3. Matthew Adams

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  4. Heather Hardeman

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  5. Henrique Pereira

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Computer Science

  6. Abdullah Khalid

    Alumni Assoc. Graduate Teaching Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  7. Pier-Luc Champagne

    Dr. Don F. Tavares Award

  8. Kaylan McKelvie

    Dr. Don F. Tavares Award

  9. Kyle Hall

    John Kendall Doctoral Thesis Award

  1. Jennifer Retzlaff

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  2. Chad Morgan

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award

  3. MohanaGowri Arumugam

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  4. Sydney Pratte

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Computer Science

  5. Pantita Palittapongarnpim

    Alumni Assoc. Graduate Teaching Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  6. Norman Wong

    Don Tavares Graduate Teaching Award

  7. Neil Sinclair

    John Kendall Doctoral Thesis Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  1. Kyle Wilson

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  2. Syed Zain Raza Rizvi

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Computer Science

  3. Claudia Marie Mahler

    Fred A McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  4. Anna Ordog

    Alumni Assoc. Graduate Teaching Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  5. Andrea Scott

    Don Tavares Graduate Teaching Award

  6. Samantha Keller

    John Kendall Doctoral Thesis Award

  7. David Ledo

    SU Teaching Award

  8. Joshua Novak

    SU Teaching Award

  9. Sara Jayne Smith

    SU Teaching Award

  10. Mark Mahadeo

    UoC Teaching Award  - Graduate Assistant
    Biological Sciences

  1. Adrian Houghton

    John Kendal Doctoral Thesis Award     

  2. Anukul Ghmire

    Excellence in Undergraduate Student Leadership     

  3. Taylor Woo

    Excellence in Undergraduate Student Leadership     

  4. Sarah Couzens

    Fred A. McKinnon Award

  5. Tyson Kendon

    Fred A. McKinnon Award

  6. Hormoz Izadi

    Jim & Josie Gray Award

  7. Steven Olsen

    Jim & Josie Gray Award

  8. Elizabeth Watt

    Alumni Association Graduate Teaching Award

  9. Kim Theriault

    Dr. Don F. Tavares

  1. Marie-Andree Langlois

    UofC Teaching Award for Graduate Assistants
    Mathematics and Statistics

  2. Pratyush Gupta

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award
    Biological Sciences

  3. Randal Evans

    Jim & Josie Gray Graduate Teaching Award

  4. Theodore Hellman

    Fred A. McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Computer Science

  5. Marie-Andree Langlois

    Fred A. McKinnon Graduate Teaching Award
    Mathematics and Statistics

  6. Varun Narasimhachar

    Alumni Assoc. Graduate Teaching Award
    Physics and Astronomy

  7. Francis LeBlanc

    Don Tavares Graduate Teaching Award

  8. David J Press

    John Kendall Doctoral Thesis Award

Support and Research Staff Awards of Excellence

  1. Susan Dooley

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Career Achievement

  2. Linda Leonard

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Career Achievement

  3. Eric Mott

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Rookie

  4. Melissa Wrubleski

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Rookie
    Mathematics and Statistics

  5. Coral Burns

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Leadership
    Faculty of Science

  6. Karen Barron

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Community Spirit
    Biological Sciences

  7. Melody Harris

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Community Spirit
    Faculty of Science

  8. Jill Howell-Helfer

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Innovation & Change

  9. Michael Nightingale

    Support & Research Staff Excellence Award - Client Service

  1. Carmen Chinery

    Career Achievement in Leadership

  2. Sarah Boschman

    Rookie Award of Excellence

  1. Michael Siewert

    Career Achievement in Innovation & Change

  2. Jennifer Howse

    Career Achievement in Community Spirit
    Physics and Astronomy

  3. Lynne Maillet

    Career Achievement in Leadership, Community Spirit and Client Services     

  1. Karen Barron/Christine Goodwin

    Team Award (Client Service, Diversity)
    Biological Sciences

  2. Rhonda Clark

    Research & Scholarship
    Biological Sciences

  3. Hayley Harris

    Rookie Award (Client Service, Community Spirit)
    Biological Sciences

  4. Cate McRae

    Leadership, Diverstiy, Community Spirit, Client Services
    Biological Sciences

  5. Bonnie Smith

    Client Service/Research & Scolarship
    Biological Sciences

  6. Janice Crawford

    Client Service

  7. Patrick Yu

    Community Spirit

  8. Erin Moloney

    Career Achievement - Client Service
    Computer Science

  9. Freddie Yau

    Career Achievement in Client Services, Innovation, and Change
    Mathematics & Statistics

  1. Brant Pohorelic

    Rookie Award
    Biological Sciences

  2. Dale Cooper

    Career Achievement
    Biological Sciences

  3. Louise Hahn

    Community Spirit
    Biological Sciences

  4. Britta Travis

    Rookie Award
    Computer Science

  5. CPSC Tech support

    Innovation Team Award
    Computer Science

  6. Betty Teare

    Career Achievement
    Mathematics & Statistics

  7. Danny Glin

    Innovation & Change
    Mathematics & Statistics

  8. Tracy Korsgaard

    Career Achievement
    Physics & Astronomy

  1. Jillicent Webb

    Admin - Operational
    Biological Sciences

  2. Bill Ho

    Tech - Operational
    Biological Sciences

  3. Franco Wu

    Tech - Operational
    Biological Sciences

  4. Carol Stremick

    Tech - Research
    Biological Sciences

  5. Linda Leonard

    Admin - Operational

  6. Doris Jo

    Tech - Operational

  7. Erin Moloney

    Admin - Operational
    Computer Science

  8. Claudia Maurer

    Admin - Research
    Computer Science

  9. Darcy Grant

    Tech - Operational
    Computer Science

  10. Stephanie Patterson

    Admin - Operational

  11. Maria Gallant

    Admin - Research

  12. Lorraine Bloom

    Tech - Operational

  13. Shelby Snow

    Tech - Research

  14. Betty Teare

    Admin - Operational
    Mathematics & Statistics

  15. Danny Glin

    Tech - Operational
    Mathematics & Statistics

  16. Jennifer Howse

    Admin - Operational
    Physics & Astronomy

  17. Tim MacRae

    Tech - Operational
    Physics & Astronomy

  18. Andrew Howarth

    Tech - Research
    Physics & Astronomy

  19. Jennifer Tetrault

    Admin - Operational
    Dean's Office

  20. Michelle Doucette

    Admin - Operational

  21. Grace Whitehead

    Admin - Operational


Leadership in Internationalization Awards of Excellence

This award was not presented for 2022-2023

This award was not presented for 2021-2022

This award was not presented for 2020-2021

  1. Barry Sanders

    Leadership in Internationalization - Faculty
    Physics and Astronomy

  2. Anna-Marie Becker

    Leadership in Internationalization - Staff
    Undergraduate Science Centre

Safety Awards of Excellence

This award was not presented for 2022-2023

View our 2021-2022 Safety Award of Excellence recipient

View our 2020-2021 Safety Award of Excellence recipient

View our 2019-2020 Safety Award of Excellence recipient

  1. Warren Fitch

    Excellence in Safety Award
    Biological Sciences

  2. Michelle Forgeron

    Excellence in Safety Award (Honourable Mention)

  1. Francene Cusack

    Excellence in Safety Award
    Biological Sciences

  2. Sophia George

    Excellence in Safety Award
    Biological Sciences