Man in Taylor library reading

General Information, and Resources

General Information and Resources

Students completing a program in the Faculty of Science should visit the Undergraduate Science Centre for advising for their program. Programs are offered through the following departments: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geoscience, Mathematics and Statistics, and Physics and Astronomy. We also offer non-departmental programs including Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, and Neuroscience.

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree in an area that does not fall into one of abovementioned fields should contact the appropriate advisor for the Faculty that offers their program. For example, students registered in the BSc Psychology, Anthropology, or Archaeology programs should consult with a Faculty of Arts program advisor. Students are subject to the regulations of the Faculty that administers their program, regardless of the degree type. Students completing a combined degree across two Faculties will need to consult advisors for both programs. Program advising contact information across campus can be found here:

Program advisors can provide information about your degree from the point of admission up to graduation. The University has offices on campus dedicated to various aspects of the student experience (including academic development, career advising, student engagement, etc.) You can think of the Undergraduate Science Centre as a launch pad of sorts – your advisors may not have all of the answers, but they can direct you to experts on campus who do.

Advisors can answer questions related to:

  • Admission requirements to Faculty of Science undergraduate programs
  • Academic Rules and permissions
  • Course selection and registration
  • Degree planning
  • Program changes
  • Honours programs
  • Letter of Permission

Here are some great advising resources to get you started:

First Year Degree Guide  

Academic Calendar         

Schedule Builder

Academic Schedule - Important Dates

Course Registration Guide

Not Science? - Find your faculty

You should determine whether or not you can continue your studies. If you plan to continue your studies, please contact your professors to see if there are any arrangements that can be made regarding your course requirements. If you decide you cannot continue your studies, please withdraw from your courses. In exceptional circumstances, students may be eligible for an extenuating circumstance withdrawal. If you have any questions, please contact your program advisor.

For personal support, you may wish to speak to a counsellor in the SU Wellness Centre.

Should you require financial support, there is emergency financial assistance available to students through the Office of the Registrar.

You may also wish to connect with the Assistant Dean – Student Affairs (403-220-3292) to make them aware of the situation.

If you have any trouble navigating through steps, the Ombudsperson on campus can assist you.

Currently, UCalgary does not offer pharmacy, dentistry, optometry, or pre-med programs. Here is some helpful information to start your research on these programs: Becoming a Doctor of Optometry and Canadian Faculties and Schools of Pharmacy. You can take courses here at the University of Calgary toward admission requirements for optometry, pharmacy, dentistry, and med programs. We cannot advise on professional programs in this office.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine website lists admissions requirements.

Information about the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary and its admissions requirements is available on our website.

Every graduate program is different. You should inquire about specific admission requirements for each graduate program you are thinking of applying to. We cannot advise on graduate programs in this office.

We recommend getting to know your peers, forming study groups, and seeking opportunities to become part of the campus community. There are many opportunities and resources on campus to enhance your academic experience – here are a few good places to start:

Student Success Centre - Peer Assisted Study Sessions, Academic Development Specialist appointments, Study Skills workshops, writing support, math tutoring and much more.

Science Mentorship Program – If you’re a new student, you can learn from the experiences of upper-year students. If you’re an upper-year student, you can help first-year students through their transition into higher education.

Student Leadership and Engagement Office – Leadership opportunities, orientation and transition support, community engagement through service, among many other opportunities.

Clubs – Find your place in a community of students with interests that match yours, or try something new.

Get Involved! Volunteering and Campus Events – There are plenty of ways to get involved with the Student’s Union, varsity sports, and a multitude of volunteer opportunities.

Study Abroad and International Exchange – Travel and earn credit toward your degree! Students can go on an International Exchange, study abroad program, summer study abroad program, and the National Exchange program to broaden their degree internationally.  Students are allowed to transfer a maximum of 60 units (10 full-course equivalents) of credit from their exchange or study abroad program.

SU Tutor Registry – Struggling with your course work? Need assistance preparing for an exam? This registry includes a list of tutors for various subjects. *The Tutor Registry is provided solely as a service to students to use at their own risk. Tutors listed on the Tutor Registry are not employees, contractors, or agents of the University of Calgary or the Students' Union.

Your Professor and Department – Talk to your professor about exam reviews, helpful textbook study guides, and anything else that they would recommend to enhance your learning in their course.

Make Time for Your Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health – The SU Wellness Centre provides health services, counselling services, a Faith and Spirituality Centre, Travel Clinic, and many resources and workshops aimed at keeping students healthy, happy, and balanced. Check out the link for more information on services and your Student Health Plan.

Stay Fit with Active Living – Browse all of the programs and services offered by Active Living to stay in shape during your studies.

Science Internship Program – Participate in 8-16 consecutive months of full time paid work experience. The Science Internship Program allows students to integrate work experience into their degree, establish a network and explore possible career paths.