Our Faculty Leadership
Scroll to read biographies for our Dean, Vice-Dean, and Associate Deans

Kristin Baetz, Dean
Dr. Kristin Baetz was the Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology and the Assistant Dean of Research and Special Projects (2019-2021) at the Faculty of Medicine, uOttawa. Prior to that Dr Baetz was the Director of the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology (2012-2019), a multi-faculty Research Centre with a mandate to develop and apply systems biology to biological studies relevant to human diseases. Dr. Baetz’s research program exploits the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a variety of systems biology approaches to understand the basic cellular mechanisms cancer and neurodegeneration. Presently her lab is focusing on how lysine acetyltransferases impact chromosome stability, stress response and lipid homeostasis. She also applies her yeast screening platforms and synthetic biology approaches to improve industrial yeast for bioproduct fermentation. Dr Baetz’s was a CRC Tier II (2005-2015) and her work is published consistently in high impact journals such as PNAS, PLoS Genetics, Metabolic Engineering, Nature Cell Biology and Developmental Cell. Her research program has been funded by a variety of sources including CIHR, NSERC, CFI, ORF, CCSRI, PSI, Agriculture Canada and NCE. Given her broad expertise and scientific reputation, Dr Baetz served as Associate Editor at Biochemistry and Cell Biology and has extensive reviewer experience at CCSRI, CIHR, NSERC and NFRF.
Dr. Baetz is also extensively involved in advocacy efforts to improve research funding eco-system in Canada. From 2012 – 2019 Dr Baetz has served on the board of the Canadian Society of Molecular Biosciences (CSMB), including serving as President (2015-2017), a professional association of biochemists and genetics scientists that advocates for sustainable science policy and funding for Canadian researchers. Her work with CSMB has led to her recruitment onto the board of Research Canada (2018 – present) a national, broad-based alliance dedicated to advancing health research through collaborative advocacy and she has served on the Ontario Research Fund Advisory Board (2017/2018). She is also an advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion in STEM and runs/participates in a variety of workshops/events at both the local and national level.

Stephen Hubbard, Vice-Dean
Dr. Stephen Hubbard has been with the University of Calgary since 2006 and is a Professor in the Department of Geoscience. He has been serving for the past two years as Department Head, Geoscience.
An international researcher, Steve has raised over $8M in funds for research of sediment transfer (from source to sink) at varied spatial-temporal scales. He is recognized internationally as an expert in channelized sediment transfer, in particular, in deep-water and fluvial settings. His research has involved application of models developed for hydrocarbon extraction, and he has worked with numerous energy companies from around the world. His research group has expanded into a breadth of areas in recent years, including investigation of organic-carbon storage in sedimentary basins over geologic timescales.
On top of his research success, Steve has been successful at maintaining high-quality teaching and mentoring. He has been nominated for SU Teaching Excellence Awards on multiple occasions and received a Great Supervisor Award from the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
As Vice-Dean, Steve will be the primary advisor to the Dean, and will actively participate in matters related to research, academic programs, teaching and learning, student experience, staffing, facilities and infrastructure.

Mark Bauer, Interim Associate Dean - Teaching, Learning, and Student Engagement
Dr. Mark Bauer has been appointed Interim Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning, and Student Engagement from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 while Dr. Wendy Benoit is on Administrative Leave. Mark has been a member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics since 2003 and has served in various administrative roles in the Department including Acting Graduate Director, Interim Head, Mathematics and Statistics and most recently as Associate Head, Teaching and Learning. Mark’s leadership in these roles was instrumental in supporting the Department and Faculty and has prepared him to take on the important role of Interim Associate Dean, Teaching, Learning, and Student Engagement.

Kris Innanen, Associate Dean - Research
Dr. Kris Innanen is a professor in the Department of Geoscience who maintains an active research program and graduate student group. Dr. Innanen is a geophysicist by training with a research program that encompasses data science and machine learning. As the Director of CREWES (Consortium for Research in Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology - of one of Science's longest standing research consortia), Kris works extensively with external research partners.

Pierre Kennepohl, Associate Dean - Community and Innovation
Dr. Pierre Kennepohl is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Calgary and his research interests focus on going small to make big discoveries, as he examines how base molecules relate to molecular computing. In 2021 Pierre received Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funding to better understand which characteristics of molecules will matter when put into a computing system. Pierre is a vital resource as the Faculty of Science strives to contribute to scientific growth through research, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking.

Justin MacCallum, Associate Dean - Graduate and Post-Doctoral Scholars
Dr. Justin MacCallum is a biophysical chemist and joined the Department of Chemistry in 2014. He has served in a variety of roles, including as Associate Head Grad in Chemistry, and sitting on the CFI SUPPORT committee. He is currently a member of the FGS Policy and FGS Appeals committees and is a Senior Scholar with the Graduate College.

Mindi Summers, Associate Dean - Undergraduate Programs and Student Affairs
Mindi Summers is an Associate Professor (Teaching) in the department of Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary. She designs innovative teaching and mentoring practices to involve undergraduate students in biodiversity and conservation research, and helps build community partnerships for students to apply their biological knowledge to sustainable design. Dr. Summers' research and outreach efforts focus on pollinators, and her collaborative work led to the University of Calgary being designated a Bee Campus in 2020. Through this designation, she works with the campus community and The City of Calgary to study and promote urban pollinator conservation.
In her current role as Associate Dean, she provides leadership in the advancement and academic success of undergraduate programs, and is responsible for providing direction and ensuring quality advising under the purview of the Undergraduate Science Centre (USC).