Discover the Microbial Zoo in You
For decades, microbes (such as bacteria, fungi and viruses) have been painted in a negative light. From causing diseases to spoiling food, they've earned a bad reputation. But did you know that the vast majority of bacteria play key roles in our health, environment, and even technology? Join us for an event where we dive into the hidden world of bacteria, showcasing their presence in our lives and within our bodies.
Meet Your BFFs (Bacterial Friends Forever)
Dive into the history, diversity, and roles of bacteria living in and on your bodies to learn about all the ways bacteria benefit us. From aiding digestion to affecting our mood, learn how microbes make up an invisible organ shaping our lives.

Swab Left or Swab Right
Ever wondered what’s crawling on your skin, hiding under your nose, or living between your toes? Here’s your chance to find out! Use a swab to sample microbes from your own body and have a scientist culture them in a Petri dish. Witness the incredible diversity and beauty of your microbes in this unique, hands-on experience. You will receive a code to download a digital image of your living microbial culture. Images will be available within a week of the event.
Use this QR code to set a reminder to check your results starting September 22 at 5pm.

If You Like It Then You Better Put a (Wax) Ring On It
Use dental floss to collect microbes from your teeth and then have a microbiologist contain them in a wax ring on a glass slide! Watch as the microbes are stained and magnified to 1000-times their real life size with a microscope. Take an Instagrammable digital photo of you and your microbes in the Floss Locket photo booth (#mymicrobes&me).