Join us and Lead the Change
Technovation is a global tech education non-profit that empowers girls and families to become leaders, creators and problem-solvers. Technovation Girls equips young women ages 10-18 with the skills to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. With the support of volunteer mentors, girls work in teams to code mobile apps that address real-world problems they’ve identified.
The Faculty of Science has been working with local area schools and community groups since 2014 to support Technovation Girls. 2019 was our biggest year yet with 11 senior teams (girls ages 15-18) and 9 junior teams (girls ages 10-14) and over 40 team mentors. One of our junior teams, the Robot Unicorns, went all the way to the World Pitch Competition with their app aimed at helping kids with social anxiety. They were one of the top 3 teams from a field of nearly 2,000 submissions from 57 countries!!
How to start your Technovation 2020 journey:
- Find our more about Technovation by visiting
- Create a Technovation account at
- Sign the appropriate consent forms
- (mentors) Complete the online mentor training
- Form or join a team
- Click on the "REGISTER NOW!" button below to register for UCalgary Faculty of Science workshops

Technovation 2020 Workshops
Register for upcoming workshops offered by the Faculty of Science, and view past workshop slides and videos
FAQ: About Technovation
Technovation Girls is a free technology-based program for girls ages 10 - 18.
Working in teams (of 1 to 5), girls identify a problem in their community and build a mobile app to help solve it. Along the way, they develop their collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership skills.
Technovation Girls will take 30+ hours to complete (we recommend allocating about 12 weeks to finish) and it’s completely free.
To register, go to
Any girl or young woman (ages 10-18) interested in Technovation Girls is eligible to compete.
To join our competition, a girl must create or join a team on our online platform, have a parent/guardian sign the consent form and meet the following Student Participation criteria:
- All students must be between the ages of 10 to 18 as of August 1, 2020.
- All students must identify as female. No males can enter the competition.
- Teams are composed of 1 to 5 students. Students can only join 1 team.
- Competition Divisions are based on the age of the oldest student on the team.
- Students can participate in Technovation Girls for multiple seasons until they reach the age of 18
- Students can work with the same team members and mentors, but they cannot submit the materials to competition over multiple years.
- Teams can explore the same problem, but the app prototype must be different each year.
Technovation Girls is a self-select program and there is no application/selection process.
Here are the important dates to remember as you complete the program. If you'd like to learn more about our suggested completion plan, you can look here.
- October 10, 2019: Registration Opens for students and mentors
- January 14, 2020: Official Start of 2020 Season
- March 16, 2020: Last Day to Register as a student or mentor (All members of your team must have registered and joined your team)
- March 23, 2020: Judge registration opens for volunteers who'd like to help choose the winners of our competition
- April 20, 2020. 19:00 UTC : Competition Submission Deadline
- Mid-April - Mid-May, 2020: Regional Pitch Events & Online Judging
- Early June, 2020: Semi-final Online Judging
- August, 2020 - Technovation Global Summit
Teams are composed of 1 to 5 girls. No more than 5 girls are allowed to join a team
Students can only join 1 team
Mentors can join one or more teams
You can review the Week 0 lesson for more information to get started!
1. How are team divisions formed?
Divisions are based on the age of the oldest student on the team. For example, if 3 students on the team are 14 years old, but there is one student who is 15 years old, the team will be considered Senior division. Here are the divisions:
- Junior Division: 10-14 years as of August 1, 2020
- Senior Division: 15-18 as of August 1, 2020
2. How do students find a team?
Most Technovation Girls teams meet at schools and are mentored by school teachers or Regional Ambassadors. In some cases, parents and other community leaders step up to mentor teams.
As a first step, the student should see if she has friends/classmates who would be interested in forming a team. In the case that there are enough students to form at least one team at the school, the students should then look to find a teacher(s) who can volunteer to mentor the program.
3. Can a team include students from different schools?
Yes, Technovation Girls teams can include students from different schools. If you are having a hard time finding someone to be on your team, you can find other team members through your dashboard and work with them online.
4. When to meet?
Teams decide when they meet. Most students meet after school with their mentors, but there are some who meet at home on weekends. It’s up to the team to coordinate a time that works for them.
We strongly recommend that teams work with mentors, so the students can learn from their experiences, and have support in completing the program. However, having a mentor is not a requirement for teams to participate and submit to Technovation Girls.
Teams will learn more about finding a mentor by completing Week 0 in the curriculum
You can add a mentor to your team by first registering your team on the Technovation Girls website. Afterwards, you can search for mentors and invite one or more to your team.
Your daughter’s learning is at the center of all that we do! We share your commitment to your daughter’s success.
As a parent or guardian, you can choose the level of commitment that makes sense to you. Parents can serve as a mentor to a team (though we suggest finding a co-mentor if possible). If you don't have time to mentor a team, consider signing up for the Technovation Girls newsletter to hear more about your child's learning journey.
FAQ: For Mentors
Mentors are professionals who feel comfortable supporting teams of girls to participate in the program and helping their teams become leaders. They learn with their teams and help them problem solve, while also supervising girls through their journey.
- Mentors can be teachers, parents, community leaders, students or professionals.
- Mentors can be any gender
- Mentors do not need to be tech professionals (although it's great if you do have tech expertise!)
- Mentors can work with a local team in-person, or be a virtual mentor to a team anywhere in the world
Do you want to volunteer as a mentor? Here are the eligibility details:
- Mentors must be over the age of 18
- Mentors can be Technovation Girls alumni
- To mentor a team you will need to register and complete the following information:
- Consent form
- Background Check (if applicable)
- Short biography about yourself
- Participate in a 30 minute training video which includes basics about the program, student safety and competition requirements
- If you'd like, you can mentor more than 1 team
- Mentoring a team is a large time commitment. We suggest planning to spend 30+ hours supporting your team.
Technovation Girls challenges participants to solve a problem by creating an app. To register as a mentor, it's not necessary to have knowledge of coding and/or app building, but it can reduce the time commitment if you're already familiar with the content.
All that mentors need to have is a willingness to learn alongside the girls and help them through the 20+ hour problem-solving process. Registered mentors can also complete online training to learn more about app builders and other components of the program.
First, sign-up on and complete the necessary onboarding steps. Once complete, you will be able to find a team and can search by location to find available teams near you. You will then need to send a request to the teams that you are interested in mentoring. Include a personal message and don't be discouraged if a team does not respond, they may already have a mentor that has yet to sign up.